Ending Procrastination

Posted under Achieve-IT!

One of my favorite motivational gurus out there is Jim Rohn. He is a marvelous speaker who can really get under your skin- in a good way. He works hard at writing zingers that make you think about what you are doing or not doing - how you might be sabotaging yourself. His latest article is about ending procrastination and it’s got a few zingers to look for. Just take this example he gives explaining how people justify procrastination: “Do you see what’s going on here? A fault is being turned into a virtue.” Ha ha…get’s under your skin a bit doesn’t it?

Link: Power Affirmations: Ending Procrastination.

Perseverance is about as important to achievement as gasoline is to driving a car. Sure, there will be times when you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, but you’ll always get out of the rut with genuine perseverance. Without it, you won’t even be able to start your engine.

The opposite of perseverance is procrastination. Perseverance means you never quit. Procrastination usually means you never get started, although the inability to finish something is also a form of procrastination.

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September 1st, 2005

Perseverance vs. Procrastination

Here is a great quote from The Power Affirmations Blog. It came to me by way of Achieve It. “The opposite of perseverance is procrastination. Perseverance means you never quit. Procrastination usually means you never get started, although the inability

March 31st, 2009

Ah, another guru claiming you can beat procrastination by battling it head on with your willpower. Doesn’t work that way in my experience.

I’ve written a free course on my blog for overcoming procrastination, so I know a bit about it.

Breaking things down into smaller steps is just one solution… and it only helps when you procrastinate because the task at hand is too big and overwhelming.

There’s a bunch of other causes too.

Like - boring tasks. Breaking those down won’t really help.

Another interesting cause is when someone SETS you a task. We humans hate being forced to do anything. But there’s a fun way to use this to get your tasks done - by setting yourself a fake task, and focusing on that so much you start procrastinating against that and get your original task done :D

There’s a ton more, too much for this comment box, really.

Vlad Dolezals last blog post..Get Rid of Procrastination! - 7 Days to Lasting Personal Growth

Brad IsaacNo Gravatar March 31st, 2009

Vlad, thanks for your comment. But by writing a course aren’t you basically saying you are the guru? There is plenty of room for all of our ideas. And in fact, to implement any of your ideas, the reader would need to use some degree of willpower.

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