New Idea: Inject Sea Water to Raise Venice

by Brad Isaac on November 21, 2005

I love to read about how seemingly simple ideas can make a huge difference. Take Venice Italy for example. It is sinking. But instead of letting the historic city fall into the sea, engineers have come up with a solution to use water to fight water.

They want to use water pipes and pumps to “inject” seawater into the ground beneath the city, forcing the sand to expand and push up the soil and clay holding up the city.

Link: Idea: Inject Sea Water to Raise Venice.

ROME — A group of engineers and geology experts said Monday they are considering injecting seawater under Venice to raise the waterlogged Italian city by one foot to rescue it from the tides and floods that bedevil it.

That would enable Venice to regain nearly the same height it lost in the last 300 years, said Giuseppe Gambolati, the head of the project.

The $117 million project entails digging 12 holes with a diameter of one foot within a six-mile area around the city, and pumping seawater into the ground at a depth of 2,298 feet, said Gambolati, an engineer and professor at the University of Padua.

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