“Mark Up” Your Books for Greater Understanding and Depth

by Brad Isaac on February 26, 2006

I’ll admit when I saw Bert Webb’s Post on Twelve Ways To Mark Up A Book my heart skipped a beat before I read it.  Mark up a book? Me?  Never!!    I treat books with a lot of care and respect and usually cannot bring myself to write in the margins or underline text with *gasp* ink .   But I read anyway and found some good tips on what not to mark up as well as what to actually scribble down.  Plus, a good tip for people like me, he suggests Post-IT notes to avoid actual writing in the book.

Twelve Ways To Mark Up A Book Books are a fantastic way to gain knowledge. With books, one can learn new techniques, gain new skills, and learn from role models who have been to where one wants to be and can show the way. There are many different ways to read books and just as many ways to remember their salient points. One of the most effective ways to get the most out of a book is to mark it up. There is no standard way to mark up a text, but below are a few ways that students have found effective in marking up a textbook so that one can see the important points quickly, make it more memorable, and make it easy to pick up years later and re-acquaint oneself with the major concepts.

Technorati Tags: lifehacks, reading, books, notes

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