Comments on: A Post to Myself on the Fear of Success… Goal Setting and Productivity for People Who Like Technology Sun, 02 Jan 2011 05:23:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Isaac Brad Isaac Fri, 10 Mar 2006 05:16:05 +0000 Hey, thanks for the support! Hey, thanks for the support!

By: bdawg bdawg Fri, 10 Mar 2006 00:13:39 +0000 Same here. This post resonates well. Telling others about our goals is definitely a good thing. Very brave to tell us all, its what people should be doing a lot more: expressing themselves, their hopes and fears. Good luck! Same here. This post resonates well. Telling others about our goals is definitely a good thing. Very brave to tell us all, its what people should be doing a lot more: expressing themselves, their hopes and fears. Good luck!

By: B. Riley B. Riley Thu, 09 Mar 2006 04:36:48 +0000 That's exactly me man. You have to increase the cost of the procrastination so that it outweighs the cost of buckling down. I won't study for a professional certification exam UNTIL I schedule and pay for it. Then I know I HAVE to do it, or I forfeit all that money. Good post. That’s exactly me man. You have to increase the cost of the procrastination so that it outweighs the cost of buckling down.

I won’t study for a professional certification exam UNTIL I schedule and pay for it. Then I know I HAVE to do it, or I forfeit all that money.

Good post.

By: Brad Isaac Brad Isaac Thu, 09 Mar 2006 03:43:22 +0000 Tracy any thoughts on what may be contributing to putting off studying? You do have a great site though! It's like Jim Rohn said. "I am so good at procrastination, I can do it and it won't even show." Tracy any thoughts on what may be contributing to putting off studying?

You do have a great site though! It’s like Jim Rohn said. “I am so good at procrastination, I can do it and it won’t even show.”

By: Tracy Hooten Tracy Hooten Thu, 09 Mar 2006 01:34:47 +0000 Insert "do homework" or "study" instead of "finishish desktop version of Achieve It!" and that is EXACTLY me. The Student Tablet PC is what I feed my procratination into. There's hundreds of hours wrapped up in a little packed I call my website and say, "Cool! I have an awesome website that helps a lot of people!" but in realilty I know it's all just because I don't want to do homework or study. I guess if you're gonna procrastinate, the type of procrastination you and I have is the best's just a tricky one to spot. Insert “do homework” or “study” instead of “finishish desktop version of Achieve It!” and that is EXACTLY me. The Student Tablet PC is what I feed my procratination into. There’s hundreds of hours wrapped up in a little packed I call my website and say, “Cool! I have an awesome website that helps a lot of people!” but in realilty I know it’s all just because I don’t want to do homework or study.

I guess if you’re gonna procrastinate, the type of procrastination you and I have is the best kind…it’s just a tricky one to spot.
