Comments on: Avoiding Awkward Situations Could Be Hazardous to Your Success Goal Setting and Productivity for People Who Like Technology Sun, 02 Jan 2011 05:23:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Premek Premek Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:03:51 +0000 I have a business partner, who is just terrible when dealing with anything even remotely awkward. He just can't say no. It's like he has to be the good santa, giving everyone pats on the back, paying money in advance etc. When anything not pleasureable has to be done, It's somebody else's will that caused it (firing uncompetent worker - "It was not his idea, he was satisfied with the work etc, but his partner (me) caused it" and many other instances). Needless to say, this causes many trouble, up to the point I can not have confidence in him, have to control him etc. It leads up to the point when I'm unpleasant to him (sometimes unnecessarily) and later angry at myself that I did not control myself. I don't like awkward situations. But I learned that when I don't dela with them immediatelly (or try to avoid them completely), they will come back much worse... I have a business partner, who is just terrible when dealing with anything even remotely awkward. He just can’t say no. It’s like he has to be the good santa, giving everyone pats on the back, paying money in advance etc. When anything not pleasureable has to be done, It’s somebody else’s will that caused it (firing uncompetent worker – “It was not his idea, he was satisfied with the work etc, but his partner (me) caused it” and many other instances). Needless to say, this causes many trouble, up to the point I can not have confidence in him, have to control him etc. It leads up to the point when I’m unpleasant to him (sometimes unnecessarily) and later angry at myself that I did not control myself.

I don’t like awkward situations. But I learned that when I don’t dela with them immediatelly (or try to avoid them completely), they will come back much worse…
