Comments on: Pitfall Alert: Discover How Congruence Can Make or Break A Goal Goal Setting and Productivity for People Who Like Technology Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:17:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:35:43 +0000 Hey Brad,

Thanks for the reply!

There are always specific reasons for starting a new project. Might be the thrill of just thinking up something new, might be I’m genuinly interested in achieving some kind of goal. It’s not the fact that it seems like work after a while, but I just loose interest. Maybe even to regain interest after a a few months or a year or so. It’s pretty frustrating.

I found out there are a lot of people who are like this: . But, as you say, it could be I’m still searching. You’d think that I would’ve found something by now. I’m not in my twenties anymore…

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I don’t mean to turn your comment section into a private consulting session. Just something you might consider writing about. :) Keep up the great work.

By: Brad Isaac Wed, 06 Dec 2006 19:20:46 +0000 Hi Eric,

I have a few ADD/ADHD friends who complain of moving from project to project, job to job…

Here’s what I tell them.
1. It can’t be all fun and easy. Work is work – if you find what you love to do it seems less like work.
2. If you started a project 6 months ago and it’s now you aren’t doing it, what were the reasons for you starting it in the first place?

It could be you are still searching, but consider…do you avoid work that seems like work? For instance, I love running this site, but there are certain parts I outright hate with a passion. (editing mysql errors for instance.) But the long term plan is still important and exciting to me. I had a ton of REASONS for starting the blog last year and most of those reasons still influence me to continue – even when the going gets tough.

By: Eric Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:46:52 +0000 Thanks for this post. Of course, it’s harder to find what you really love. Some people can get motivated really easily… for a short while. I start so many projects, but never finish them. I’ve started a million of jobs, but quit them within a year. I’ve tried to find the thing(s) I love doing in various ways. It seems like I can get motivated only for a few weeks or months, never finishing what I’ve started unless it takes a short time to do it. Effectively, it takes me nowhere.
Any help here is greatly appreciated. :)
