10 Ways To Beat Blue Monday

by Brad Isaac on January 22, 2007

Feeling blue? Unmotivated? Sad?Blue Monday

You aren’t alone. Researchers are calling January 22 Blue Monday. Statistically, it is the most depressing day of the year.

They blame it on a number of factors. One, its the period of time when people feel least motivated. Then, Christmas bills are arriving. And finally, the 3rd week of January is when people typically fall off their resolutions.

As bad as it may seem, don’t fret. Here are 10 ways you can beat Blue Monday:

1. Clean something – organizing makes you feel more in control of your life and your environment.

2. Make a list of what you are grateful for. If you haven’t expressed thanks for the wonderful things in your life lately, now’s a great time to do it. What are you thankful for? Do you own a warm house? Health? Your own car? List them all and say a great prayer of thanks for all of them.

3. Run stairs – it might be tough to get out and jog in the ice and snow. That’s no excuse to not get any exercise. Find some indoor stairs and run ‘em. Exercise releases endorphins – the feel good morphine like chemicals your body naturally produces.

4. Walk the Mall – Find a shopping center and rapidly walk through it. The bright lights and atmosphere should perk you up. The exercise should get your blood flowing and release some of those endorphins I talked about in #3

5. Play cards – this is an oldie but goodie. Your grandparents likely played cards in their day to alleviate boredom and long winters – it will work for you too. Playing Spades, Gin, Rummy, 5- card stud are great fun and excellent socializing.

6. Reflect - Pull out your journal and reflect on last year at this time. You were likely in the same type of mood back then too. If you don’t have a journal, start one. Try to write everything from Jan 1 to today. Next year, you’ll be able to lean on what you’ve written.

7. Get light exposure – If you have access to a light box, this is easy. If not, spend some of your early mornings outside soaking up as much sunlight as you can. Doctors have found that light exposure before 9a.m. can boost mood and increase energy.

8. Revisit Your Resolutions – Just because you fell off the wagon doesn’t mean you have to stay off. Rewrite your resolutions and include all the good reasons for sticking with them.

9. Do a craft – If you live near a Wal-Mart, K-Mart or Meijers, go pick up a craft. Latch-hook a rug, learn wood burning, try your hand at cross-stitch. A craft gives you the feeling of progress. It also takes your mind off of whatever is bothering you.

10. Catch up on your letter writing – Have you neglected writing to a special someone lately? Mom? Dad? Your grandparents? Letter writing is inexpensive, but one of the most appreciated gifts you can give to someone. Everyone likes to get mail that isn’t bills or advertisements. Get some letter writing done and you’ll feel glad you did.

Overall, if you are feeling the effects of Blue Monday, it’s important to realize it’s only temporary. The days will get brighter from this point forward.

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January 30, 2007 at 5:24 pm

How about breathe? Studies show that deep, full-belly breathing can help relieve stress and offset depression. Taking a few deep breaths will calm your body, slow your heart rate, invigorate the brain and generally recycle the oxygen levels in your body – all will make you feel better.

And, since most of us breathe rather shallow, taking deep, full breaths way down in our bellies is just good for our overall health.

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