Build Your Self-Discipline Like Power Lifters Build Body Mass

by Brad Isaac on January 22, 2008

Have you ever felt lazy?

Have you ever wished you had more self discipline and control?

Many people first starting goal setting feel they do not have enough self-discipline to take the necessary actions needed to complete their goal. Others can hit a plateau after striving for weeks or months.

This is normal.

Like the old adage, Rome wasn’t built in a day most of your life goals won’t be possible in a day either. You’ll have to have the discipline to get up and get cracking on the sub-goals each and every day.

What you will happily find out he is building self-discipline is easier than you think. Like lifting weights will build your muscles, forcing yourself to do the things you know you should do, you will build your self discipline too.

Here’s the key. Like lifting weights, you don’t start out bench pressing 150 pounds. You start with small weights and build up.

in building discipline take the same approach. Start with something small like disciplining yourself to wash and put away your dinner dishes every night.

Doing dishes may seem small, but by forcing yourself to do something small on a repetitive basis, you begin to build that muscle of self-discipline much like doing curls will build the fossils of your biceps. So pick a task and do it every day. Self-discipline will soon follow.

This is tip 69 of 101 Goal Setting Breakthroughs: A 31 Day Blog Series That Will Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever! Subscribe to my free RSS feed to get the rest of the series and never miss a tip!

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January 24, 2008 at 8:56 am

That is a good piece of advice. I think I’m going to follow that advice myself. I think it is important to instill personal discipline, otherwise, one cannot go about and attain succes. Even the most triviak and the most mundane need hard work and effort, but these things go hand in hand with discipline. I’d say it’s worth a try.

Bill January 26, 2008 at 12:41 pm

I notice the older I get the easier it is for me to lose interest in my goal quicker and quicker. What can you do about that?

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