The Art of Completion and Why That Checkmark is Like Guilt-Free Drug Use…

by Brad Isaac on January 13, 2008

When you start a task, stop it and then re-start it, you are working inefficiently. Most of the time you are spending is dedicated to finding where you left off the last time you put it down.

So, working smarter means keeping at the task until it is complete. That is another reason to keep the steps (actions) that lead to goal completion small. You want to be able to finish one at one sitting.

Getting that checkmark (that your action is done) should be your main focus when you first start your task.

Checkmarks are addictive. They make you feel good.

Biologists tell us crossing a task off a list as complete releases endorphins. Endorphins are similar to opium in their makeup. They cause a feeling of well-being and happiness.

So aside from the reward of completion and your personal reward system, you get a shot of endorphins.

Life is good!

This is part 24 of 101 Goal Setting Breakthroughs: A 31 Day Blog Series That Will Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever! Subscribe to my free RSS feed to get the rest of the series and never miss a tip!

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