Top 20 DIY Headache Cures That Bring Quick Relief…

by Brad Isaac on April 14, 2008

Last week, I was suffering from a ragin’ headache. Not only was it painful. It was like the Energizer bunny…it kept going and going and going.

I asked you, my marvelous readers, if you had any advice to cure the 3 day headache and you really came through! With so many tips, I recovered from my headache and went on to feeling energetic and breathing clear. Since it is springtime, breathing clear is a tough one. But you did it and I thank you. :)

Since there were twenty tips, I couldn’t do them all – I picked a couple and tried them.

So here are the Top 20 DIY Headache Cures That Bring Quick Relief:

1. C.G. writes: You might want to have your eyes checked (if you haven’t done so already). I had a new pair of prescription contact lenses made for me about 4 years ago. But they always gave me problems. I stopped wearing them and I noticed that when I was working (and staring at a computer screen) I got headaches. But the headaches would last and last. I thought there was something else wrong with me. Long story short (too late), I had PRK laser correction surgery done and I’ve been headache free since. I’m fortunate not to have allergies so I don’t have to deal with that possibility.

2. Royal8 writes: Peppermint oil applied under your nose. (Be careful with application and wash hands!!) Rice packs heated in the microwave for four minutes applied over eyes / back of neck. Also take a hot shower w/ Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castile Soap (the liquid version) Oh it makes you tingle – see **Have your blood pressure checked.**

3. Sylvia writes: … during allergy season I would suggest you use a sinus rinse like Neilmed. Once I started using it regularly, it cut down on my headaches.

4 – 11. Ria Kennedy sends in 8! tips :) :

1. Tiger balm on your temples, rub tendons in back of neck to release tension,

2. Snort this twice a day:

  • Sinus Rinse
  • 16 oz. H2O
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • Mix.

Pour some into palm of hand and snort.

3. Brush teeth with flossing and mouthwash. Something about swishing, gargling, changing teeth positions, spitting, etc., makes it so you can clear your head a little.

4. Gargle with salt water periodically to clear head/get rid of drip.

5. Take a bath in fairly warm water. Submerge your head so your ears are covered. Even allow them to fill with water to put pressure on the inside of your head and help it drain. Then – KEY – sit up in the tub so that your wet hair gets cold. This is supposed to help shrink the nasal/sinus membranes and gives some relief. I imagine using a cold wet towel on the head might also help, but I think the bath steam helps and that’s why this is good.

6. Eat hot stuff like chili peppers, salsa. Again, this helps drainage. Even a little bit of heat helps break things up.

7. Cold compress over eyes to help the eyes stop swelling and bring some comfort.

8. PS – Lie down and let head drain. Try with and without a pillow, side to side, head nose pointed up toward wall, and head pointed down toward feet, and rolling from one side to another.

12. Terra Andersen writes: Sleep, lots of fluids, and perhaps a walk. (I know this sounds lame,) but it helps the lack of blood flow, which is the initial cause of most headaches.

13. Ruth writes My daughter has used something called “Mygrastick.” It’s peppermint and lavender essential oils in a rollerball applicator. You apply a small amount to your temples and she said that she felt relief almost immediately. She recommended it to a friend of mine who gets migraines quite often, and she said that, although her headache didn’t go away immediately, it only lasted about 1/10 as long as usual. We bought it at a small, local health food store, but I saw that Amazon has it, too.

14. Kate Davis writes: I suffered from a headache for several days earlier in the year. I went to a regular chiropractor appointment for my back and she adjusted my jaw and the headache went instantly. Apparently my jaw was slightly misaligned (apparently due to stress causing me to tense my teeth) and this was leading in uneven pressure in my head when I moved my jaw. If the other suggestions don’t work I would recommend going to have a check up a chiropractor.

15. Dianne (Moondreamer) writes: I usually find headaches are due to dehydration, stress or tiredness. So upping my fluid intake, getting plenty of sleep or having some time-out (maybe a walk in the fresh air) will usually sort it out. But if my sinuses are at all involved, steam inhalation helps (put your head over a basin filled with hot water and cover your head with a towel for 10-15 minutes. You can add aromatherapy oil or some herbs or a spoonful of vicks if you like. A little lavender oil on your temples, the bridge and sides of your nose and across your forehead will help to relieve sinusitis and stress headaches.

16. Andrew Seltz writes: If your headaches are allergy related, I have started using a neti pot on a regular basis and found it to be very helpful for relieving sinus congestion. The result is similar to the nasal rinse suggested above, but I’ve done both and much prefer the neti pot. I mix a little sea salt with warm water in the pot and rinse out my sinuses during my morning shower.

17. Bill Ferrante writes: My worst headaches from barometric pressure. When I feel one coming on, I’ll typically check the weather to see if a front is moving in. If it appears the weather is causing it, I’ll take an Excedrin migraine early on. I hate taking pills, so acting early really does the trick in my case. I’ve wanted to purchase a barometer for some time now so that I can get used to seeing the measurement every day. This way I’d intuitively know what my “feel good” vs. “feel bad” ranges are. Was there some poor weather in your area while you were in pain? If so, a barometer may be a wise investment so you can start using your peppermint oil early on. =)

18. Liz Layne writes: (1) Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4 mg tablet (Walgreens Wal-finate Allergy 4 Hour Tablets) (2) Ibuprofen 200mg each and an ice pack. Usually he find that it starts to go away in 20 minutes, but he gets a little sleepy. Try it next time. I also use this for tension headaches.

19. Leigh writes: I found that when I reduced my wheat and milk intake my headaches disappeared.

20. Paul writes: Make sure you are hydrated. You can get migraines triggered from dehydration.

Technorati Tags: headache,cures,remedies,diy

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April 14, 2008 at 5:31 pm


I made the list, very cool!!! I just posted an entry about this on my personal blog.


April 15, 2008 at 11:37 am

Wow, that’s a lot of tips. A great resource, thanks! :)

October 30, 2008 at 9:07 am

There is an acupressure point in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger that relives pain in the head. Take the thumb and forefinger of one hand and massage the webbing on the other hand for 2 minutes. Go in circular motions, about 2 or 3 rotations every second. This will relieve headache pain as well as toothaches!

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