Finn Comfort Shoe Review – Day 2

by Brad Isaac on May 13, 2008

Yesterday I wrote about my new shoe experiment with Finn Comforts. I wanted to see if the claims of comfort and improved bone alignment were true. Though, I have no way of telling if my bone alignment is bad or not. So no nagging. :lol:

Today I’ll note that after getting out of bed, I felt some muscle soreness in my shins and calf muscles. It was definitely bearable. I only mention it because it was unexpected.

It felt as though I had run some stairs the day before. Perhaps this is the added exercise benefit claimed by Finn Comfort? Feel the burn! Work out while you’re shuffling papers.

When I slid on the shoes after getting dressed this morning, it felt as though the lumps I mentioned yesterday moved toward the outside of the foot. Very odd indeed. Had the padding relaxed a muscle so much now another one was in need of attention and I was feeling pressure on it now?

Oh shoe of wonder, why do you riddle me so?

I will admit at first I was apprehensive that they were going to be painful today and I might be limping by lunch time. My plan was to switch to my old pair of Doc Maartens. If you remember from yesterday, they told me to only wear the Finns for 4 hours a day for the first few days. Or more precisely. Wear them for 4 hours at a time until 16 hours had passed.

However, the first couple hours I barely noticed them. There was still some burning in my calf muscles which is tolerable.

Also of note – there is so much toe room in the front. How to describe this? Almost like the rest of your foot is on the edge of a pier with your toes hanging out over the edge. You can move them up and down with nearly a full range of motion. I find it almost addictive to wiggle my toes around in this way. My old shoes were constrained to the point where my toes felt cramped. So this is a welcome change.

Women\'s Finn Comfort Hanoi Soft

And to the women who asked, yes they make Finns for women too.

So all in all I wouldn’t say they are quite a utopia of comfort yet. But it’s the second day. I have up to two more days left before they are fully broken in. But like Jordan wrote in the comments yesterday, it may be worth the wait. He says they are the most comfy shoes he’s ever worn.

I’d be curious to know your opinions on the styles of Finn Comforts. I normally opt for comfort over style. But on the other hand I don’t want to look like I have been hitching rides on the freight train either.

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