links for 2008-05-29

by Brad Isaac on May 29, 2008

  • 1. School recommends student be tested for autism. 2. School organizes vote same child out of class before testing complete. What’s wrong with this picture? In tomorrow’s news, same teacher shows class how to kick walkers out from under the elderly…
    (tags: school autism wtf education abuse)
  • New perspective on building relationships by doing favors for people.
    (tags: relationships career)
  • I’ll probably need at least 1 of these in the coming months.
    (tags: ajax javascript tutorials webdesign)
  • Wild invention using biofeedback where your entire blanket becomes an alarm clock.
    (tags: inventions technology)
  • “download the Mac or PC software, and give your customer or whomever you choose access to the online folders you create you can work on a file or your customer can work on a file and the most current version will be saved in one place.” Might be good for
    (tags: microsoft collaborating work files)
Set powerful goals online with our new online goal management tool

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