Master the A+C+@ = Success formula

by Brad Isaac on July 17, 2008

There’s a formula that I use to bring clarity when I am not sure what to do next. It clears confusion.  The a+c+@ = S formula can lead to surprising insight and direction.

Big goals are a journey.  They are a series of smaller goals or steps.  Each step completed brings you closer to the destination.

One of my most oft asked questions is about where to start. Your important goals will have steps you don’t yet know.  You are treading on new ground.  It can be confusing.  Sometimes confounding.  That’s where the a+c+@ formula will help. 

A Powerful Question

Ask - The letter A in the formula stands for Ask.  Asking implies several things.  One, you need to know who to ask.  Two, you need to know the right question.

Who to ask -  Ideally, you will want to find an expert.  So many people waste time asking the wrong people questions.  If you want to achieve a certain goal.  Ask someone who has achieve said goal. 

Experts often charge money.  But it’s money well spent to get their ears and direction.  You can often barter for their services though.  Offer to trade them for their time.  Some experts will settle for a nice lunch at a decent restaurant. 

What to ask – Spend time developing the right question to ask.  Don’t waste an expert’s time beating around the bush or explaining vague circumstances. 

Experts can be like computers, garbage in, garbage out.  If you ask the wrong question, you’ll get the wrong answer.  Asking “why am I not more successful?”  Wastes everyone’s time.  Who knows, I’d just as likely say “Because you are what we call smelly,” as any other answer. 

And you have to focus.  No need to introduce your problem as if you are in a Kafka novel.  Experts value their time.  So get to the point.  I suggest crafting your question before you have opportunity to ask it.

Often, someone will contact me with a question about a goal they have.  If he wants to lose 15 pounds, I don’t need to know where he was born.  I don’t need to know where his kids go to school.  It makes it easier for everyone if you simply craft a question that cuts to the heart of your problem.

What one question, if you had the answer to it, would solve your problem? 

Taking Winning Notes

Capture - the letter C in the formula is for capture.  When you capture, you own the answer evermore.  If you don’t, it could be lost forever.

A capture device can be as simple as writing with lipstick on a paper napkin (ugh!).  It can be as complex as a camcorder. Personally, I like a combination of Evernote and Moleskine, when PC use isn’t convenient. 

Pick what you like.  But, make sure you have a way to keep the answers. 

Some tips for a good capture device.  Make sure you have one and it’s handy for times when ideas and answers are present.  Key:  You don’t want to scatter your answers.   No sense in recording answers on napkins if you are just going to lose them.  That’s as bad as not taking them at all. 

I’ll never forget one of the best brainstorming sessions I had while working on a client’s marketing.  We were driving and for some reason, the ideas were flowing like crazy.  Great ideas.  But we didn’t have a capture device. Like a tape recorder.  I commented how sad it was we didn’t capture all those ideas.  He said he’d remember them all.  But I’m not so sure. 

Lose the Laziness

@ = Action - The most important aspect of the formula is taking action on the answers you have captured. 

The topic of action implies that you will ask questions that result in an answer that involves action.  In other words, “Dear expert, what are the first steps I need to take to solve my problem.” is what you should aim for.

Taking action also proves to the expert that you value their expertise.  It sets you up for more success because you’ve asked, received and acted.  I don’t know how many times, somone asks me for help and then either argues with me about it or doesn’t do anything.  This shows me that they don’t really take their goals seriously.  So why should I? 

Therefore when you get the advice of an expert, by all means take action.

Today’s exercise

Today’s exercise will give you great returns for the effort you put in.    Get good at working the a+c+@ formula by picking your top goal.  Then, based on your most pressing problem or hurdle, develop a targeted “action oriented” question.  Think of it as an elevator speech 

Take your time.  Make it concise and focused – as the elvator speech, you might only have 90 seconds to ask the expert, so make it good.

P.S. I’ll be here to help.  So I encourage you to post your goal focused question(s) below.  If I can answer, I will.  (I don’t know it all.)  If not, I’ll help you hone it to laser-like perfection for when you do encounter your expert. 

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