Comments on: They Broke the Economy – Now What? Goal Setting and Productivity for People Who Like Technology Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:17:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Isaac Sun, 05 Oct 2008 13:46:03 +0000 This ended up being an interesting discussion. I half-expected to get clobbered by my opinions.

A few things have obviously changed in the last few days. The bailout was passed. It appears the biggest offenders are being rewarded substantially for their misdeeds. And some $100 billion in pork got pushed through.

By: Scott Fri, 03 Oct 2008 06:02:09 +0000 I like the 4 year-old writing a check to cover the mortgage idea. I hate to be pessimistic as well, but this seems to be the tip of the iceberg. We have friends here in California that are walking away from homes, short selling, and still living on credit cards. My 4 year old already knows that she can’t buy a toy if she doesn’t have the money.

By: B. Riley Thu, 02 Oct 2008 16:16:19 +0000 Ibrahim:

That’s a great question, and one that no one in the media seems to be discussing.

The best alternative we have is to do nothing. It’s going to be bad if we do nothing. We’re going to have quite a pullback in the economy, and the stock market. We will most certainly go into a pretty bad recession which could last a year or two.

During that time, the economic deadwood will wash away. Market unjustified businesses will collapse and lots of people will indeed be out of a job. Since I work in the financial sector, this probably includes me.

What you will see during this time of economic “turmoil” is the dollar regaining its rightful place in the world. It will once again become the preferred currency to hold and buy. Investment will pour into this country, as it once did. People will see that the deadwood is gone, and what’s left is a strong, REAL economy based on solid and sound fundamentals, and not magic or “hope”.

This will likely spur a real economic boom, as opposed to the fake ones we have been seeing over the past decade or two. Real economic booms (like after WWII, Industrial Revolution, etc.) don’t bust. Economic laws are like physics. They cannot be changed, or altered by man regardless how much “hope” we have that we can affect “change”. Just like a rubber band, you can pull and stretch those laws. But just like a rubber band, the more you pull and stretch, the more it’s going to hurt WHEN it snaps back. It will always snap back.

In short, if we go for a “bailout” right now (and I’m sure we will have one by this weekend), we set ourselves up for a much harder fall down the road. Hyperinflation will occur, as it has every time any government has fired up their printing presses in the hopes to try and change economic law. They will kick this down the road a few years by passing a bailout. But remember, the more you stretch the laws, the harder it’s going to hurt when it breaks.

Regardless if you believe anything I say above (which is basically traditional Austrian Economic theory by Mises, Rothbard et al) keep in mind the things that Brad says in his post. If we somehow were able to wave a magic wand and fix this with no consequences, we have at least a half dozen more crises coming down the pipe that are going to require government spending (and printing) FAR, FAR beyond what they are talking about with this one.

By: Ibrahim | Thu, 02 Oct 2008 14:39:44 +0000 I agree, the bailout proposal is a terrible idea. The problem, though, is what is the alternative? Where are the other plans? What other choice do we have? Can we just let these huge corporations fail, their employees to lose their jobs, families to lose homes, etc.? Can we allow the American Financial world to crumble to the ground? I like this article, I enjoy the preventative maintenance tips. You have to agree though, with this financial crisis steps need to be taken. And if we are only offered one plan, what is America to do?

By: Berkley J.T. Starks Wed, 01 Oct 2008 16:41:41 +0000 It is good to see someone coming out and openly saying these things. I have been encouraging my family and friends for the past year to stock up and wake up…to little or no avail.

It is good to see someone who thinks like I do, and to know that I am not alone

By: Andrew Seltz Wed, 01 Oct 2008 14:47:43 +0000 Brad,

Congress is the warm water fueling this financial hurricane and they are poised to stoke it up even more.

You are spot-on about the root causes of the mortgage loan mess (federally subsidized insurance programs are also a root cause for the mass migration of Americans into hurricane prone coastal regions – we seem to enjoy underwriting foolish behavior.) I was just discussing this exact point yesterday with a real estate broker.

My family is already living in many of the ways you suggest.

I’ve long been a believer in minimizing debt and cutting out unnecessary spending. My wife and I take out cash for our living expenses every week so we don’t get into lazy spending habits with credit cards.

Your suggestions on learning new skills and bartering are also great habits in any economy. Unfortunately, my 401K doesn’t let me invest in gold (but they do have a real estate fund) and my smallish New York apartment doesn’t allow much room for stockpiling food.

Let’s hope that the worst of it isn’t as bad as we might fear…

Andrew Seltz
The Go-To Guy!

By: Eric S. Mueller Tue, 30 Sep 2008 18:17:46 +0000 Brad, I’d also like to add “Don’t get caught up in all the fear.” The media is scared and it’s affecting their reporting on the matter.

My wife has spent a lot of time lately thinking about what to do if the economy hits a rough spot. She’s been making a lot of her own products lately, and has talked about a few other items like getting a couple of chickens and starting a garden.

Eric S. Muellers last blog post..Teach Your Children the Truth About Linux

By: B. Riley Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:52:00 +0000 “Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice shame on me…. ”

And to even try for three times? That is considered enemy action. (see the Depression and S&L bailout for the first two)

Some good points here that i definitely agree with. To push this down the road a bit with some sort of “bailout” plan is to merely prolong, and strengthen the inevitable economic whiplash.

By: conrad Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:41:00 +0000 Good call on this post. I seem to be the only person in my circle who thinks about the 1% worst case scenario. Why this is the first time I’ve heard someone mention these things. Remember folks to also withdraw some cash from your bank, maybe put it into a safe deposit box- Sure it probably won’t happen the banks temporarily seize up, but just in case…

By: Brad Isaac Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:51:16 +0000 They Broke the Economy – Now What?: Note:  This post is like nothing I've ever written o..
