The Goal Setting Diaries

by Brad Isaac on November 6, 2008

goal_setting_diaries I thought it would be helpful for all of us to see first hand what life is like for others who are working toward their goals.  Some of you are experts at goal setting.  Some of you need help.  What better way to see your strengths and weaknesses than to capture a snapshot of your life?   From there, we can help you tune your methods so you reach your goal faster.

Why not rip a few pages out of your goal journal and send them our way?

I’ll anonymize and post a week’s worth (give or take) and we all can make suggestions based on what you are doing right and wrong.  — I will even throw in a bonus for your efforts.

Goal setting diaries FAQ:

Q: What are the Goal Setting Diaries?

A: The Goal Setting Diaries is a group-think project similar to the sex diaries and the money diaries.  Real stories from real people who want to achieve a goal.  I will post a week of journal entries about from a lucky reader’s goal journal (anonymously of course).  It will state their top goal and what they did for 1 week to achieve it.  You, the readers, will then be able to voice your advice about how they can more effectively reach said goal.

Q: How do I do a goal setting diary?

A: Simple, write down your main goal and then record your daily actions for 7 days.  Write down each day what you are doing to achieve or not achieve your main goal.  Then simply submit your goal diary using this link or you can email it to me at bradisaac

Q: What are you going to do with my week long goal goal setting diary?

A: I will post your week long diary (without your name) for all of our readers here to review, pick apart and make suggestions. Should be fun and enlightening for everyone involved.

Q: What do I get out of the deal?

A: What?  You want more than awesome feedback on how to achieve your goal?  Well, ok I will give you a bonus.  If I use your goal setting diary on my blog and/or newsletter, I will send you a free copy of my Achieve-IT! goal management software to say thanks for participating.

So take out your goal journal (you do have a goal journal right?)  Just type up and send me a week’s worth of your journal entries.  If published you’ll get the advice and feedback and suggestions of this vast and competent goal setting audience.  Plus, I’ll throw in a free copy of Achieve-IT! goal setting software for free.

Q: What if I miss an episode of the goal setting diaries?  I would really hate to miss out.

A: You’ll never miss a diary if you subscribe to my RSS feed.  So subscribe now! ;)

Set powerful goals online with our new online goal management tool

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