I am excited to announce my new book 107 Goal Setting Breakthroughs – The Definitive Collection of Simple Ways to Turn your Dreams into Reality. I will be releasing it in limited commercial avenues. But my newsletter subscribers know how much I value you as readers!
Newsletter subscribers got it free. I am also extending it to new subscribers to the newsletter as well to say Welcome aboard!
So if you aren’t yet a subscriber, what better time to get your free subscription?
Here are some of the comments from people who read it:
I think you may actually be a bit insane to produce such a massive list! – Mike King
The compilation of the list itself demonstrates the steady work to achieve a worthwhile goal! -Dick Hamblin
The (count them!) 107 suggestions that Brad gives here are sure to encourage you into action. – The University Blog
There are 3 simple ways to sign up for my newsletter:
Just make sure you verify your subscription so I can send you the book. I am committed to running a 100% spam free newsletter. Thus, I can’t send you the book or anything else if you don’t verify you want to get information from me.
I might eventually make it available to the RSS subscribers too. But I’m not sure the best way to distribute it at this time.
- Enjoy!
]]> What gets you in the mood for Christmas?
For me, it’s watching Charlie Brown reruns with the kids and reading Christmas stories.
One goal I set for myself probably 10 years ago was to write my own Christmas story.
I remember touring Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia and seeing Dickens’ A Christmas Carol in one of the shops. And I thought, that’s it! I need to write my own Christmas story. It needs to be timeless and reflective. One that makes you think. And I want it to inspire joy and a Christmas spirit for those who read it.
Well, here it is. My Christmas story laid bare for you. It is not perfect, it is not a Christmas Carol. But I am awfully proud of it. And it is one of my goals achieved.
I wrote it over the period of 3 weekends mostly from the passenger seat of our family mini-van as Kim drove us to some getaway locations. The story was easy, the ending was hard. Editing was tougher than everything else. But it’s here, at last.
I am releasing this under Creative Commons license. No commercial use or changing the contents. But you can print it, post it, send it to your friends. I even cut down the page size and formatted it so you can easily bind it into a paperback book.
I would be honored if you’d give it a read and let me know your thoughts…
]]>Due to circumstances beyond our control namely horrendous lag, Free E-book Tuesday will be delayed this week. Please tune in tomorrow for a special Christmas edition of Free E-book Tuesday Wednesday.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
P.S. To tide you over, might I suggest a perusal through my goal setting articles?
]]>Tuesday is free e-Book day here at Achieve-IT! It is where we feature a free downloadable self-development book you can grab and read at your convenience. So grab the Adobe reader software (also free) and download today’s book!
I’ve written about Yaro Starak’s Blog Profits Blueprint before, but it’s well worth mentioning again. If you are a new or amateur blogger who wants to increase visitor count and the money you make blogging, then you owe it to yourself to download this book. It is one I refer to often when I feel I am getting stuck.
Cynical people may see this book as just a pitch for his Blog Mastermind program (which I am an affiliate). Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. This book is 54 pages of great blog building techniques. I said it before, I gained so much from the book that I could easily pay for his course. Of course, you don’t have to sign up for the course if you don’t want to – it is just an option offered.
Although I am no longer a member of his course, (due to achieving my blogging goal) I’ve nearly doubled the number of daily visitors and subscribers to the blog and feel like I am struggling less. And hey, my newsletter subscribers are up by 1000 too!
So if you were wanting to make some money from your blog, I highly recommend you download Blog Profits Blueprint. Even if you don’t sign up for his course.
Download link: Blog Profits Blueprint
]]>Since last week’s free e-book was so popular, here is another one by Benjamin Franklin. Writing as his pseudonym Richard Saunders, Franklin imparts his wisdom about money and becoming more wealthy.
Speckled with little rhymes like:
Fond pride of dress, is sure a very curse;
E’er fancy you consult, consult your purse.
Franklin’s wit provides us with some fundamentals of being wise with one’s money.
Free E-Book Tuesday Download: The Way to Wealth
To download, right click the link above and choose “Save As.” Requires the free Adobe Reader.
]]>This week’s free ebook covers one of the greatest success stories in history – that of Benjamin Franklin. Although he lived in colonial times, much of his wisdom is still beneficial today.
Download: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
]]>Listen up people who hate advertising! Don’t let the title fool you…
Scientific Advertising is more than just a book on marketing. It is a book about extracting better outcomes from virtually any endeavor.
Claude C. Hopkins made a fortune – even by today’s standards – by coming up with a “smack your head simple” way of creating profitable advertising. But if applied strategically, it can help someone become a better mother, father, dentist or whatever.
Strangely enough, although many of the best copywriters and marketers think this work should be a cornerstone of every businesses library, the reality is disappointing. The overwhelming majority of companies do not apply Hopkins’ advertising formula, therefore they end up wasting millions of dollars as a result.
If you have even a slight desire to start your own business, be sure to download Scientific Advertising now. Read it and read it again every couple of years.
You can thank me later.
Free Download: Scientific Advertising
]]> Published in 1902, the classic As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is an exploration into how our thoughts influence our outcomes. If you think good thoughts, you’ll lead a happy life. If you think about sadness, then misery will follow.
Considering it was written 100 years before The Secret, James Allen was obviously a man way ahead of his time.
It is a short book you can finish in no time. So give it a download and let me know what you think…
Download Link: As A Man Thinketh
]]>Norman Vincent Peale, one of the founders of Guideposts magazine wrote a book first published in 1952 called The Power of Positive Thinking. This book was one of the first mainstream self development books ever published.
I remember picking it up at the library when I was still a teenager and it’s message hitting home. I eventually bought his audio cassette program which I did not like so much – so I eventually traded it.
The book itself came under a lot of scrutiny and is still controversial. But why don’t you give it a read and make up your own mind?
Link Removed at the publisher’s request…
Hey! I am thinking of making the Free e-Book Tuesday a weekly feature here on Achieve-IT!. I’ll scrub the Net and find the best self development books and let you know where to get them. What do you think???