Achieve-IT! Goal Software and Windows Mobile 5 Issue

by Brad Isaac on December 14, 2005

I’ve got a problem and boy am I happy about it.

A few Achieve-IT! software users had reported an error with the new version I simply could not reproduce. In software development reproducing the problem is half the battle. Otherwise, you are simply guessing and probably throwing more bugs into the software. With tens of thousands of lines of code, guessing can be hazardous to my health! Well, finally, last night I was able to reproduce the issue on my new Axim x51V.

So I’ve got a problem, but it’s really an opportunity. It looks like it will be a simple fix I will be working on today. I should have the fix ready today provided it’s not an OS incompatibility issue with an external component.

Technorati Tags: Achieve-IT!, software, Pocket PC

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