Chewing Gum for Better Thinking

by Brad Isaac on December 28, 2005

I have been reading Ricky’s RAM Dump lately and he has a tip there I had never heard. It is Think Better with Chewing Gum. Basically, the idea is if you chew gum, it gives the subconscious mind something to do so your conscious mind can pay attention better better.

“About 9 months ago, I started chewing gum. I was originally inspired to try this by an article in the Friday Mind Massage Ezine by Maya Talisman Frost, (aka “the Mind Masseuse”). In this article she writes, “Research has shown that chewing does indeed increase our ability to concentrate and to retain what we’ve learned. In fact, studies indicate that, for both kids and adults, mental tasks are completed up to 20% more effectively when we chew gum.”

Alright Ricky, I have a pack of Orbit gum Citrusmint right here. I’m giving it a try as we speak. Good flavor by the way.. :0)

Do you have any gum chewing = concentration tales to tell? Why not post a comment?

Technorati Tags: Productivity, Gum, Concentration, Focus

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