If you have stopped by the blog more than once today, you were not hallucinating. You may have noticed some differing content, colors and layout.
So what am I doing?
Well, for one thing I am not admitting defeat. See domain name for details.. LOL. If you read my posts frequently, you know I’ve been trying to get the Technorati tags working again. And I stumbled on something yesterday in my testing. It appears the indexing issues have something to do with the domain mapping. It appears, there is some sort of conflict between my domain name and my blogs http address.
A few of my tests seemed to prove (if not coincidence) that removing the domain mapping seemed to allow indexing of a couple posts. Alright..good news. But that broke a lot of the site links..oops. So remap. Moving the domain name to another sub blog, seemed to indeed make a difference for the domain name. Meaning it isn’t being blocked by Technorati. But with all the switching and swapping, I was starting to get a bit confused.
The last swap seemed to index properly. So if it continues, I’ll settle down on the changes and move forward with the goal setting content.
Thanks for the patience!
Technorati Tags: Technorati, servers, housekeeping