I caught Anthony Robbins this morning on Fox and Friends. He was discussing New Years resolutions and why most people fall off the wagon. He basically gave two reasons people will fail at their goals this year.
The goal is not specific
The goal is too ambitious (i.e. Someone who made $30k last year wants to make $1 million this year)
The person doesn’t have enough reasons to complete the goal.
One of the points he mentioned was to keep track of how our friends influence us towards or away from our goals. The people we socialize with can be encouraging us in the direction of our goals, or subtly pushing us off track or even in the opposite direction we want to go. So in setting and working towards our goals we should also take time to do a "sanity check" on our friendships. If your friends aren’t encouraging you or helping you to do and be your best, they could be hurting you. So check those friendships and make adjustments in the time you spend with them if they have a negative influence.
Technorati Tags: goals, goal setting, Friends