Post-It Note Lifehacks: They’re not just for breakfast anymore..

by Brad Isaac on January 19, 2006

I must confess, I am not a big Post-it note user. Maybe it was seeing too many co-workers monitors cluttered with them, maybe I just don’t want to keep up with them. But Open Loops makes a good case that we should keep some handy for a number of different uses.

Planning points and sub-points in presentations
Posting goals on my bathroom mirror so I’ll see them everyday
Creating seating charts on clipboards
Scheduling teachers and classes
Masking off completed areas of paper forms before copying to create a new “master”
Labeling desk areas for sorting stacks of paper (File, Action, Refer, Trash, etc.)
Writing Hall Passes that stick to clothing
Leaving notes on doors of parents whom I’ve missed during home visits
Writing next actions on the paperwork that constitutes my current project so I don’t have to start all over or try to remember where I was.

Link: Post-It Possibilities

Personally, I like the tip about posting goals on the bathroom mirror (I would, wouldn’t I?).

Your thoughts?

Technorati Tags: productivity, gtd, Goals and goal setting, Lifehacks

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