Does Article Submission Work to Build Traffic to Your Blog? Let’s Test! Part 2

by Brad Isaac on February 5, 2006

Like probably all bloggers out there, I’d like a little bit more traffic.  There are quite a few strategies being sold as hot new ways to drive unprecedented traffic to your blog.  Products can range from ebooks to software.  But my question is, do they work?  The strategy I decided to give a try was mass article submission to the hundreds of article websites on the Internet.

The other day I posted about how I downloaded a demo of ArticleSubmitter Pro to submit my article to some 500 different sites.  I wanted to see if it did anything to improve my Google ranking and blog traffic.  Well, the demo has expired and my first full mass submission work is complete.   Results are trickling in, but they say the major results can take up to a couple weeks.

If you were to do a search on Google for "Abe Lincoln’s Productivity Secret" you would have found 14 sites linking to my article.  Today, doing the same search, I found 38 results.

What is a little odd is the Google results tend to vary on and off throughout the day.  Also, since there is an apostrophe in the search string, there is a slight error in some results.  The apostrophe throws off some databases and is replaced with a \ so the results do not reflect those missing queries. 

In other words, if you did a search for "abe lincoln" + "productivity secret" we get more links.  In fact, at one point today, I got 150 link results from that, all referencing my article.

Not bad…not bad at all.   However, I have seen no inbound clicks from all of those article links.  Yes some come in from the Lifehacker link, and the other blog trackbacks, but none from the article directories.   This may not be the worst thing in the world, as links will be better search engine optimization.  I’ll keep my eyes on it and post about it when I find out more..

Technorati Tags: article+submission, google, SEO, web+rank

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February 6, 2006 at 8:42 pm

Brad-since you are experimenting…I am told that search engines search from the top down and your top is “achieve it”. Maybe do an overture search and put in different keywords for title. also, I don’t see any keywords in your blog description. I’m working on my blog and website now because they need help. ps article submission should help alot. Thanks for your infomration. Steve

February 6, 2006 at 10:28 pm


Thanks for the info. You might be right about the blog description. hmm…to think of a better keyword friendly summary.

February 8, 2006 at 4:43 pm

I’ve been playing around with I haven’t had many articles lately to submit, but you can give your Abe article a whirl.

I’m interested to see if I can write an article with the right content and title to get a lot of diggs.

February 8, 2006 at 9:23 pm

check out this free site-they give great tips on writing articles, key words etc good luck!

February 12, 2006 at 12:49 am

Are you seeing an increase in traffic now? When I did the google search it came back with 318,000.

February 14, 2006 at 9:35 pm

Hi John,

I haven’t seen the search show that many returns. Google is sort of strange on the numbers though. One minute it can be 32 – the next minute 157. Then the next minute 318,000 apparently LOL.

It’s difficult to say, the other sites that link here tend to fill up the referrer records quickly. I’ve seen a few click throughs, but not nearly as many as the Digg and Fark links.

February 14, 2006 at 9:36 pm


I think you are on the right track to do Digg. There is a ton of traffic from that site.

January 22, 2007 at 10:12 pm

I did a similar exercise and found it frustrating that I have to sign up and login to each Articl Directory. But, I’m sure we’re on the right track.

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