Fold: A Handy new “Desktop in a Browser”

by Brad Isaac on May 2, 2006


Fold is a great new idea where you can load up a an Internet "workspace" with your most used Ajax/Web applications and then access them anywhere in the world via the Internet.  I see a lot of potential for some good home away from home productivity as they develop it further.

Fold is just starting out and still in the beta stages, but already they have support for the following:

    Embedding a search box
    Embedding a fully featured word processsor
    Embedding a drawing application
    Embedding a scrolling news ticker
    Embedding Pandora music suggestions
    Embedding Google Maps
    Embedding the Flickr Organizr
    Embedding the AjaxTunes MP3 player

"What is Fold?  Fold is a portal or start page. The aim of Fold is to consolidate most of the tools and information you need every day into a single web page. No matter where you are in the world, each time you log in you’ll feel right at home.

… Using the latest in web technology, Fold makes intensive use of AJAX for a lag-free, responsive, and virtually desktop-like environment.

Fold is completely free; it won’t cost you anything to use it."

Link: Fold – Your Start Page – Now in Public Beta 

Technorati Tags: fold, productivity, lifehacks, ajax

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May 4, 2006 at 2:41 pm

Not bad at all, but I preffer . It feels way more mature, light-weight, and has many features I miss in Fold (ie. tabs, unread feeds counters – both on tabs and in windows name). But competition is always good for users :)

Louis May 11, 2006 at 7:32 am

Fold is much more useful than Netvibes, the HTML containers allow for a mashup of literally any web content in one single page, afaik no other start page has this. Also the fixed 3 column layout of netvibes (and all similar offerings) is a fantastic waste of screen space – on a large monitor you end up with 600 pixel wide columns that hold 40 characters of text or three Flickr thumbs – no wonder they need tabs ;-)

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