Work in Progress

by Brad Isaac on May 10, 2006

After releasing Achieve-IT! Desktop software 1.0 I have been very busy in
development and polishing it.  I have gotten some good feedback on some bugs and
how to make it better.  The best of these suggestions was from a friend who
opened my eyes to how it may be difficult for non-Pocket PC users to use the
desktop version – at least without reading the walk through.  Since most of my
beta testers are Pocket PC users, it was good to get some fresh insight to the
desktop version.

We talked over lunch one day about what it’s like for a new user to click
through the screens, enter goals and refine them.  I got a lot of great feedback
and an idea I am programming right now.  The most major is an easy goal
refinement wizard which is coded and I am testing now.  Another is a brand new
brainstorm module which got me motivated by just using the mockup!

So if all keeps on track, by Friday, I’ll be able to wipe the sweat of my
brow and unveil the 1.1 version. 

Stay Tuned

P.S. If you have downloaded the demo and notice and bugs, or see anything
that needs improvement, please respond to this post or send me an

Technorati Tags: Achieve-IT!, programming, goals and goal setting

Set powerful goals online with our new online goal management tool


John May 11, 2006 at 3:42 pm


Once again, thank you for this excellent software.

I have a quick question and suggestion for you.

Question: How can multiple people use this software on the same computer?

Suggestion: Would it be possible to make the password (when entering password) private (like showing stars only instead of the letters)?

Thanks again,

John May 11, 2006 at 5:48 pm


Another thought, if I understood about export correctly, currently, we can export only to OutLook. If this is correctly, how difficult would it be for you to make it exportable everything into a single MS Word file and print from there? Some people are yet completely into the digital world, and would like to have hard copy of these goals to carry with them.

Thanks in advance for entertaining these thoughts,

May 11, 2006 at 10:18 pm


When you say you want others to use it, what are you wanting to do? Two people on one machine? Two people share one database? Or?

I thought I had the passwords protected by stars…and you are right…they are protected on the front, but not when you log it…easy fix.

I had the export to text/Word working looks like it broke during build sorry about that. It will be fixed next build.

What email client do you use?

John May 12, 2006 at 1:16 am


Sorry for not being too clear. Yes, you are right about two or more people using Achieve-It! on one computer but not sharing database. Currently, I don’t know how to set it up so more people can use the software besides myself.

And yes, I was refering to when log in again.

I am using Yahoo for my email, if that’s what you were asking.

Thank you.

Rod May 12, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Hi Brad,

In the define module I can enter steps to achieving my goal, but when I click on a goal and try and move it up or down I get an error message that says “You must choose a step before it can be moved.” Is this a known feature?


May 13, 2006 at 10:23 pm


I’ll have to think about the multiple users scenario. the first thought is you could actually install it twice on your PC. You could name one install directory Achieve-IT_John or something and Achieve-IT_roommate or whatever

That would allow you to use A.I. on the same machine.

May 13, 2006 at 10:24 pm

Thanks for the feedback Rod, I’ll see if I can track that one down for the next release.

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