Using Pzizz for Headache Relief

by Brad Isaac on December 3, 2006

PzizzI don’t know what got me earlier today. But for some reason, I came down with a really bad headache. Part of me thinks it was that when I went out for coffee this morning, the busy employee at Starbucks may have handed me a decaf instead of regular. If you love coffee like I do and have ever gone “cold turkey” this was the type of headache I had. I was irritable, had some general aches, pains, and then there was that whopper of a headache.

Anyway, I pulled out my trusty iPod which I have loaded a series of Pzizz tracks and leaned back for a nap. Unfortunately, I couldn’t doze, I just sat there and listened with my eyes closed. I was able to relax for the 20 minute track at least.

However, after finishing my Pzizz nap, I found my headache was gone. That was great news. I typically use the software 3-4 times per week, but just to sneak in a power nap. This is the first time I’ve tried it for a headache. Maybe the binaural beats pzizz uses had something to do with it? No matter, I am glad I didn’t lose an entire Saturday afternoon.

P.S. I went by the pzizz site today and found they have updated the software to 2.0. Another bonus. :)

More info:

Set powerful goals online with our new online goal management tool


Mitch December 3, 2006 at 4:56 am

Thanks for the advertisement disguised as a blog entry. I love the affiliate link too so that you get paid for recommending it.

Brad Isaac December 3, 2006 at 4:05 pm

Mitch, I am guessing this is probably your first time here. Achieve-IT! readers are bright enough as you are to know an affiliate link. But by the same token, I’ve recommended pzizz in the past without including an affiliate link. If I am going to link to a product I really do love, what’s wrong with linking in such a way that my readers can help the blog? As far as it being an’s a true story. Personally, your post seems a bit paranoiac to me. Lighten up.

B. Riley December 3, 2006 at 4:12 pm

I got the same impression. I don’t think Mitch has been a reader for long, or he would know how much you liked pzizz, LONG before you were an affiliate.

December 3, 2006 at 4:41 pm

Gee Mitch, you have a little too much time on your hands if you’re just surfing blogs and looking for affiliate links to complain about. Perhaps you should try Brad’s software and set some goals for yourself.

Mitch December 4, 2006 at 10:13 pm

I am familiar with the site, and familiar with running a blog and trying to build trust with your users so that you can later sell them products. I really don’t care if you’ve mentioned it before, that’s irrelevant.

And yes JoAnn, that’s what I’m doing. Just complaining about affiliate links. That’s what I do. Very smart of you to figure that out. I will use your affiliate link to purchase some software also. Again, very smart.

My point is, save the affiliate links for the sidebar. Let’s see some posts to motivate instead of posts about software for sleep.

Brad Isaac December 4, 2006 at 11:11 pm

JoAnn, I trust you are joking posting that and an affiliate link?

Brad Isaac December 4, 2006 at 11:25 pm

“Let’s see some posts to motivate instead of posts about software for sleep.”

Mitch, thanks for stopping by and clarifying. Have you checked the archives? there is over a year of posts for motivation. However, sleep is a necessary part of health and wellness. And believe it or not, can be motivating if managed properly. Many people, including me, believe humans need a short nap during the day to maintain peak productivity. Countless studies support this. For me to just talk about motivation, which is only a small portion of this site’s focus, misses the big picture. It would be like a baker being given only flour to bake a cake. There are many ingredients that make up a highly productive and goal achieving life, motivation is just one of them. There’s an old saying “If you motivate an idiot do you know what you’ve got? A motivated idiot.” What that means is motivation can’t do it all, there has to be balance, rest, yin/yang and all that good stuff.

Chris December 5, 2006 at 5:45 pm

Why the fuss over an affiliate link? I would have thought if you have found this site you were smart enough to make up your own mind!
The link is in context to the post and highly relevent to the theme of the blog, why should it be in the sidebar? If like-minded people want to share points, tools, methods etc then that is great. I had never heard of Pzizz but have since checked it out & am very happy that the link was there & not in the sidebar or I would have missed it.

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