Imagine this. It’s the end of the month, and there are still three days left until your paycheck. You need a bit of cash, so you log on to your bank’s website, and instead of discovering the zero balance that you normally have at the end of every month, you find out that you have an extra five hundred or even one thousand dollars lying around in there to do with as you wish.
Increasingly, for hundreds of individuals, this is becoming the case. How are these people making extra money, though, on top of their regular salaries? They’re certainly not shelling out thousands on get-rich quick schemes that never seem to work. Try these ideas on for size.
-Start your own business. With the popularity of the internet, starting your own business doesn’t have to mean investing hundreds in location, paperwork, and employees. Starting your own business may be as simple as setting up a free website with some affiliate links, or writing some articles for websites in your spare time. Granted, you’re not going to make thousands of dollars with either of these ideas, but an extra fifty or sixty bucks a week certainly couldn’t hurt.
-Invest a few dollars a month in a relatively safe vehicle. CDs are usually a good idea as are U.S. Treasury Bills. Just remember, though, that investments like these take time to grow, and don’t expect to see that extra five hundred bucks overnight.
-Be a bit more frugal with your purchases. It may not seem like much at the time, but saving 89 cents on a loaf of bread at the grocery store and another $3.50 when you choose not to buy that carton of ice cream can really add up over time.
If you’re looking to have a little more money at the end of the month, these ideas aren’t all inclusive. With a bit of personal motivation, and software like Achieve-IT! to help keep you on track with your goals, you can get there.