Calling All Moleskine Experts!

by Brad Isaac on January 3, 2008

I am confused. One of my first 2008 investments is one of the Moleskine 2008 weekly planners to comes with the soft cover notebook.

It seemed like a great idea at the time, but I am having second thoughts. I have a few questions for the Moleskine experts out there…

Unfortunately, I can find no instructions on how to use some of the features of this planner or the bonus notebook. Let me know if I am making too much of this?


The notebook comes with these perforated, stamp sized cutouts in the back. Hopefully you can see them in the picture. What what are you supposed to do you do with those? I have no idea. If I was to rip one out it looks useless to me. There’s no sticky stuff on the other side so I can’t stick it to anything. And if it’s a little-bitty bookmark, there’s far too many of them for me to make use of (who reads 24 books at the same time?).


The planner itself is simple enough. I could do without the map in the front and the units and measures pages, but it’s fine. I don’t mind dealing with those…

However in the back is another small notebook. It has tabbed pages. What is this little note book for? It’s too small to be an address book.

Lastly, there are several dozen stickers that come with the planner. Some of the words on the stickers are “birthday”, “too book”, “it happened”, “what if…” along with various little icons like smiley faces and light bulbs. I can see perhaps some benefit in having stickers if they were visible while the notebook was closed (i.e. on tabs). But there are no tabs in the planner. So what are we supposed to do with the stickers?

I love the Moleskine line of journals, sketchbooks, and blank books. But this planner and soft cover notebook combo has me baffled.

Do you own a the pocket twin set of the Moleskine hardcover weekly planner and soft cover notebook? If you have a clue as to how to use it, please let me know how to use these functions. It would really help me a lot!

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Cindy January 3, 2008 at 11:09 am

One person’s explanation shown at URL above

Brad Isaac January 3, 2008 at 3:13 pm

Thanks for the link Cindy.

Still could use some info on what the little stamp sized cutouts are in the mini-journal.

January 4, 2008 at 4:13 am

I have the same red moleskine and love it
One tab has emails, one tab has birthdays, one has blogs… it’s a nice supplement to the normal weekly journal

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