Persistence Unlimited’s 4 Year Anniversary

by Brad Isaac July 10, 2009

Persistence unlimited turns 4 years old today. It is almost hard to believe we’ve been on the internet for 4 years now.. Here is a link to the original post that kicked it all off. After that, there have been some good times and not so good. But it’s been an adventure either way! I […]

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10 Little Tips to Turn Negatives into Positives

by Brad Isaac July 10, 2009
Thumbnail image for 10 Little Tips to Turn Negatives into Positives

Stressful jobs, recession money woes and unrelenting pressure from family and social duties can turn even the most cheerful person into an anxious pessimist with little motivation. But positivity is all in your mind, and once you understand that your mood and your outlook on the life is something you can actually control, you’ll be […]

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Some Wild Ideas I Got from Whacking

by Brad Isaac July 8, 2009

One interesting tool I found way back in the early 1990′s was Roger Von Oech’s Creative Whack Pack.  The Whack Pack is a deck of cards based on his popular creativity building books A Whack on the Side of the Head and A Kick in the seat of the Pants. I happily own a copy […]

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How to Pick a Daily Goal and Reach It

by Brad Isaac July 1, 2009
Thumbnail image for How to Pick a Daily Goal and Reach It

I got a question on twitter today about how to set a daily goal. It’s a good question. Some of my short-term growth goals are a month-long. So a daily goal is almost alien to me. However the question reminded me having a daily goal is important. I have gotten so accustomed to the way […]

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A Recession Bail Out Plan Built On Creamy Cake Filling

by Brad Isaac June 29, 2009

Seems every time there is a recession, I hear some knucklehead pronouncing that rich people will come to the common mans’ rescue. On the bus the other night I heard a guy loudly pronouncing how Warren Buffet and friends will take heart and donate $2.5 million to every household. These donations would end the recession […]

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I’ve Had Alot of Thoughts Lately and Most Mean Absolutely Nothing…

by Brad Isaac June 24, 2009

Call it writer’s block. Call it burn out. Call it whatever you like. But my desire to write is overshadowed by the weight of writing something meaningful. Somewhere between the early success of this blog (est. July 2005) and today things changed. I had a lot of fun in the beginning. It was new. I […]

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Small & Silly Obstacles Derail Your Projects

by Brad Isaac June 13, 2009

I am going to pick on my beloved wife for a minute. I was looking at her home office and noticed she had papers scattered everywhere.  Not only on the desk but under it. Some of the papers important.  Some not. My first question to myself was “who can work this way?”  Answer:  nobody at […]

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