Tips to Increase Your Car’s Miles Per Gallon

by Brad Isaac on October 3, 2005

With gas prices higher than at any time in history you may want to save a few gallons by making some simple adjustments to your driving behavior.

Link: – Tips to Increase Your Car’s Miles Per Gallon.

Don’t accelerate quickly. – I used to be a relatively aggressive driver. I would speed up quickly from stops, accelerate into the fast line quickly on the freeway, and so forth. If you accelerate gradually, though, it can really help your miles per gallon. Your car won’t be working as hard. You’ll be a safer driver to boot.

Let your car brake itself. – I wasn’t so bad with this one, but I used to often wait until I was somewhat near a stop before braking down to a halt. Anticipate stops ahead of you and just let off the accelerator, letting the car slow itself down.

Drive at the speed limit on highways and freeways. – This was the hardest one for me to do. I would consistently drive 5, maybe 10, miles per hour over the speed limit. Last year I wouldn’t have cared about this one. Now, my choice is between driving 5 miles per hour slower on highways and freeways, or paying for gas more often. At $3.00 a gallon, I’m now more willing to drive 5 miles per hour slower. And you know what? I find that I don’t really get where I’m going any later than I did before. Funny, that.

via Lifehacker

And let us not forget to empty our waterbeds if we drive a conversion van… ;-)

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{ 1 comment }

John October 3, 2005 at 4:11 pm

Good ideas. Don’t forget checking the air in your tires and taking everything out of your car that doesn’t need to be there will also help. Doesn’t seem like much, but if everybody did these simple things it would add up to big savings in a hurry.

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