The FLU has arrived…What’s your best remedy?

by Brad Isaac on November 28, 2005

Well, the flu has arrived here at the Isaac household. My wife Kim started having mysterious aches and jabbing pains last night, then had the fever and splitting headache since very early this morning. That leaves me in charge of getting the kids packed and ready for school – pray for me!

I am no expert on the subject, but here is my treatment for the flu.

1. Tylenol every 4 hours
2. Lots and lots of water.

In case you’ve never had the flu, here’s why I suggest so much water. One, to keep hydrated. But the real reason is lactic acid (at least I think it’s lactic acid) builds up in your muscles during the flu, and once you’re no longer sick, that acid starts to burn – really bad. Talk about a “pain in the butt” – that is some major soreness in the legs and gluteous maximus. The water keeps it from settling in. Trust me on that. Drink your water NOW…even if you don’t have the flu! ;0)

I get a flu shot every year, so we’ll see if it works.

What’s your best OTC flu remedy?

Thank YOU for spreading the word. You are the best!

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