Don’t Just Talk About What You are “Gonna” do…Get Busy Today!

Posted under Motivation

Seth’s blog has a basic question to consider. Do you produce? In other words, do you walk the walk? Or is it all just talk?

One thing that really gets under my skin is someone who says “I’m gonna do ______________” The blank can stand for anything really, they are “gonna start a new business”, or “gonna write a book” It seems to me, the people who spend the most time talking about what they are “gonna” do never seem to get going. They might have good intentions. They might feel they will do it eventually. But for some reason talking about it is much more fun that doing anything about it.

On the other hand, it’s the people with their mouths shut and heads down doing the work who cross the finish line.

“The producer is always focused on more, whether more is quality, revenue, customer satisfaction or market share.The job you do, apparently, has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not you have the mindset of a producer. I’ve been called by talented salespeople who are clearly producers… and by failures who were just following a script. I’ve worked with people who always manage to make something happen… and with those who manage to have an excuse ready when it doesn’t.Producing is not about making someting. It’s about making something other people thought couldn’t be done–or were too distracted to do themselves.”

What are your unique talents? What can you do or produce that nobody else can? What tasks can you start doing today and everyday to create only what you can create?

These are important questions we all must think about. What unique things can I do to make the world a better place?

After we have asked the questions we must answer them with actions, not words. No, it’s far too tempting to get into the “I’m gonnas” to risk bragging about an action you haven’t taken yet.

Technorati Tags: achievement, motivation, Productivity

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December 7th, 2005

Pain is generally a more powerful motivator than anything else. Avoiding pain is priority one for 99.99% of humans. The fear of failure, and possible pain keeps many from trying to change the status quo.

I equate it to a spacewalk. Everything’s okay in that warm shuttle, and everyone’s safe. The further you go from the shuttle on a spacewalk, the more terrifying it is. Eventually, the thought of not being able to get back to the warm shuttle would start to override everything else in your mind or body.

May 31st, 2009

Success may have different meaning to different people. But the path is always the same. Setting up goals help define this path. All that we now need is to honor these goals and do our best to achieve them. Each goal achieved brings us one step closer to our desirables and ultimately to our target.

Everything Countss last blog post..A Model of Excellence for Kids and Teens

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