If you have been visiting lately, you know one of the main blogging problems I have been having is getting indexed on Technorati’s search engine. You may have seen my post about being indexed the other day…well, the blog fell off again . I have some big plans this year for the blog and I wanted to have all the technical issues out of the way by January 1, 2006 so we can move forward. It was looking as if events beyond my control were interfering.
It may seem like a small goal, but as Jim Rohn says in his excellent audio program The Art of Exceptional Living, you need to have some small, easily achieved goals on your list. The smaller goals give you a more positive attitude and keep you on track for the larger ones. Frequently, when I am working with adults on goal setting, the small goals is where we have to start. They often don’t believe goal setting works. When I can prove it by showing them how to visualize something smaller and it becomes much more easy to simply increase the size and scope of their goals.
So regarding the Technorati issues..About 10pm last night I came across a 2 year old post about indexing troubles and how to fix them using a full RSS feed. Heck, I had tried everything else, why not try this? So I changed the RSS structure, republished the blog and started some New Years fun with the family. The New Years ball dropped and almost immediately everyone went to bed. I decided I’d peek in to see what was happening on my goal and sure enough, I had some link-love from Technorati.
Technorati Tags: GTD, goal setting, Goals, Jim Rohn, Technorati
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Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the comment about the tagging problem I’ve been having. Everything now appears to be working fine. Even a slighly older post (from 12 days ago) has appeared correctly on the tag search page. Somewhat frustratingly, I have no idea why the problem has resolved itself. I didn’t need to try your tip about republishing, but if this re-occurs I’ll add that to my options.
Hey, glad that things are working correctly for you now. Strange that you had to take such extreme measures to get indexed, I’m going to send this thread to our engineers to have them look into the situation so that others don’t experience the same problem. And please don’t hesitate to drop me a line at dsifry AT technorati DOT com if you experience any other issues…
Cool steve, if you get stuck again, let me know and you and I can do some tweaking.
Dave, thanks for stopping by. Really I am not sure what factor blew it out of the water. It could have been the domain name, which seems to kill the indexing every time I map it. Or it could be the RSS truncating itself.
As far as extreme measures, I’m not one to give up too easily.
I do have a suggestion though I am going to drop to you in email. It might help others.
I see you are a Typepad blogger as well.
I haven’t a clue how to insert Technorati tags into my posts and Typepad support staff are well, worthless.
How did you do it? I am techtarded but willful………..Can you help? Any easy tutorials for the Coaliton of the willing?
Thanks, Pamela
Hi Pamela, Ayn Rand fan?
Sure, there are a couple ways to do tags. You can grab ecto software (http://ecto.kung-foo.tv/) which does it automatically. You just choose the keywords and it puts them in. ecto can be buggy and hard to use at times for windows users. So I’d definately recommend you give the trial a shot before buying.
But another way is to copy the text in the link below to a text file you keep handy on your desktop computer.
Example picture Download tags.jpg (12.6K)
I can’t post the code exactly, otherwise it won’t look right to you. But if you look at the picture, you’ll see what to type into your text file. Simply copy and paste that into the bottom of your posts and replace the Pamelatag words with your own keywords and you should be good to go.
Oh yeah, and you will also want to put in something like “Technorati tags: ” before the html so people know what you are doing. If you have any other questions…don’t hesitate to ask.