Achieve-IT! Series: Tapping Your Superconscious

by Brad Isaac on May 27, 2006

The superconscious mind is to many the creative mind – or the well of ideas. In its most basic terms, when you’ve had an idea formed by the superconscious it is perfect for you at that moment — the timing is perfect, the strategy is perfect. All you need to do is follow the direction and you are on your way.

In psychiatric terms (ala Freud) it might be considered the “id”. Regardless of what you want to call it, harnessing the power of your superconscious will lead you to more powerful ideas you can use to bring about positive changes in your life.

Do you feel stuck? Using your superconscious can help you get unstuck.
Do you lack inspiration? Your superconscious can act as a well of inspiration
Do you lack focus? By tapping your superconscious, you’ll focus like a laser beam

There are many other benefits to using your superconscious. More energy, better mood and sense of optimism knowing you are headed in the right direction and taking the right actions.

In this unique Achieve-IT! series we’ll explore the superconscious tapping methods of Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison and W. Clement Stone to name a few. You can apply these methods to your own life and projects to gain valuable ideas that will benefit you for a lifetime:

So stay tuned… (Tip: subscribe below to make sure you don’t miss it!)

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May 27, 2006 at 9:25 pm

I agree. A lot is said in personal development about setting goals but I like to focus on creativity of any type – it really sets you mind free. Plus I don’t have time to be bored in life!

May 30, 2006 at 10:38 am

This ought to be good. I’m currently using my subconscious to solve problems. Looks like I’ll be able to give it a rest soon ;-)

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