John Isaac, Mentor, Lifehacker, Rest In Peace

Posted under Goals and Goal Setting

John Isaac As Kim posted the other day, my father passed away late last week. This was a shocking event for all of us because he was not ill, and known as somewhat of a “health nut” among his friends. He quit smoking years ago, never drank alcohol except for special occasions and walked 2 hours a day for exercize.

He visited us in NC the Saturday before his death and I talked with him over the phone the night before. He was upbeat and cracking jokes just like normal. There was no indication he would have a fatal heart attack the next evening.

I met several people at the funeral who described him as a mentor and gave him credit for their own financial success. Others reinforced to me how he had helped
them through tough times and was someone who maintained his cool when things got stressful

He worked in Insurance most of his life. But some of the things he taught me include stretching your dollar and making the most of what you have. He and my stepmother retired early and he spent the past 16 years becoming a skilled craftsman who specialized in making detailed clocks. As you might have seen in prior posts, some of his woodworking skills have rubbed off on me.

detailed clock

We frequently exchanged gardening tips. He taught me the virtues of laying weed matting in the gardens. I explained to him the importance of plucking “suckers” from the tomato plants so they’d bear more fruit.

I am very sad to see him go, however, I have gradually become thankful about some of the gifts I received.

  • I am thankful I was able to have a positive, and happy conversation with him the night before his passing.
  • I am thankful he travelled to NC and visited with his grandchildren.
  • I am thankful he didn’t suffer and it wasn’t a drawn-out painful death.
  • I am thankful for the support of my family and friends.

It’s still hard, but these are the things that give me comfort

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B. RileyNo Gravatar October 6th, 2006

Good to have you back. Sorry for your loss.

C ScottNo Gravatar October 7th, 2006

So sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like your father was a very special man.

Don CNo Gravatar October 8th, 2006

Sorry to hear of your loss. God Bless and comfort ypu and your family

Brad IsaacNo Gravatar October 10th, 2006

Thank you all for your support during this time.

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