2 Songs to Done

by Brad Isaac on November 10, 2006

Like everyone out there, I have some tasks I really don’t like to do.  Namely, washing dishes. 

But since we like eating off of real plates intead of paper ones, we take turns washing them.

Recently, I found that if I grab my iPod and put on the headphones, an interesting equation unfolds.  It appears that no matter what we’ve had to eat for dinner, it is 2 songs on the iPod for me to wash them. 

Yes the songs, vary in length.  But it usually works out that two songs weighing in at about 5 minutes a piece is all I need to do a 100% on the dishes.  I don’t know about you, but two songs is easier for me to think about than a sink full of chili covered plates. :)

The next time you are working to music, pay attention to what tasks are only 2 songs to done and let us hear about them. 

Technorati Tags: motivation, productivity, getting things done

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