Day Job Killer And Other Adwords Insider Books?

by Brad Isaac on February 6, 2007

This is a continuation of a forum response I wrote last night over at Steve Pavlina’s forums.

A question was asked whether someone could make money using Adwords/Adsense and mentioned a new eBook being released called Day Job Killer. I looked it up on Google and find that this program is being released with much fanfare and a lot of people are hyping it. Since it won’t be released until 3pm today EST I don’t know anything about it. I haven’t read it. I just watched the video.

But here’s what I do know. Whatever the method is, it involves work. It involves thinking, time and energy and it involves some investment up front. You can’t play Adwords for free.

Here’s the response I posted:

Whatever you read in the books, see in the videos or hear on the audios realize this… making money with Adwords/Adsense is work. It’s direct response advertising work. The second you start thinking it’s “easy money” there will be some pain coming.

For me it’s pleasurable work, copywriting has been a hobby of mine since 1992. It’s a never ending puzzle. So if you like the idea of writing, specifically copywriting, testing, writing, doing statistical analysis, oh and writing… Then it’s a pretty fun hobby or side job. I don’t do too much of the affiliate thing, but instead focus on products – but it’s still direct response marketing.

Remember the story you aren’t hearing is how much money is invested to do $30k in business.

If he’s paying 50cents a click and it takes 20 clicks to sell 1 product, he’s paid $10 up front to play the odds of selling the product. What happens if it takes 40 clicks to sell the product? There is a lot of ROI (return on investment) analysis that you must do to keep ahead of the game.

There will be hits and misses along the way. You’ll have to find a niche and probably lose some money before you make it so you can learn the lessons.

If you decide it is for you, here are some tips… master 3-5 keywords at a time. Don’t throw your money at 2000 keywords right off the bat. Get your 3-5 keywords rolling so they produce money consistently and then add to your list.

It’s tough to do, but take the slow cautious way. Set up your campaigns carefully and test results.

Hey, here’s an idea. I’ll go ahead and buy a copy of this Day Job Killer guide when it’s released today and I’ll do some follow up posts to let you know how it’s going. If it works, I’ll give it a thumbs up. If I lose money, I’ll be ticked and you’ll learn about that too. That way, if you are curious you won’t have to put your money on the line to try it.

As a side note – I think the challenge for me will be applying the system without using the skills I’ve developed over the years. But I’ll give it my best shot. My son has taken an interest in this sort of thing so maybe he and I will do it together and see if it makes any sense to someone who hasn’t done this before.

Your thoughts or requests?

A concerned reader pointed out I might want to do an affiliate link to Day Job Killer to recover some of the costs of this project! I don’t want to link to it unless it works. Instead, I’ll link to a stuff I wholeheartedly recommend.

Keyword Elite has helped me locate loads of niche Adwords keywords. Keyword Elite’s sister software SEO Elite is a great tool for getting your site ranking up in Google. Within 1 week of using it, my domain went from page 2 to page 1 – 5th position for the highly relevant search term goal software on Google. If you do decide to buy either Keyword Elite or SEO Elite from my affiliate links, I’ll throw in a copy of Taskblaze Pro software to say thanks for your support (please allow 24 hours for delivery).

Set powerful goals online with our new online goal management tool


February 6, 2007 at 3:54 pm

Hi Brad,
I also think that the book itself provides additonal income for the author, whether or not he or she has been able to successfully apply the advice.
So, you need to think about if you really want to buy the book – is the advice worth the price?

Urban Hermit February 6, 2007 at 6:16 pm

Will be very interested to hear your views! Nice to see a post which is not just pure hype. And yes, Adwords/Adsense is work!

I heard that Day Job Killer is nothing but a big scam! See here:

Await your verdict with interest……….

Brad Isaac February 6, 2007 at 9:29 pm

Jonathan, “So, you need to think about if you really want to buy the book – is the advice worth the price?”

Yes, I considered that. But I also thought I wouldn’t be able to really review it if I never bought/read it.

Urban, that’s an interesting forum. I like the way the affiliates run in and post their links and lame comments attempting to lure people into clicking.

April 8, 2007 at 8:04 am

Hi Shonte,

If you want a decent book on adwords get Perry Marshall’s book which is $16 / £12 on (proper book not an ebook) – don’t waste $99 or $77 or whatever it is now on DJK. But why are you linking to a ‘review’ of DJK (yours?) if you just want advice. Seems more like you are just desperate for a bit of affiliate commission and/or a backlink – no?

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