Master The 5 Fundamentals of Weight Loss

by Brad Isaac on March 27, 2007

Want to lose weight?

You’re not alone. Studies show that sixty-five percent of Americans tried some form of weight loss last year, yet only twenty percent of them were successful. Why the discrepancy? Why are some people able to shed those unwanted pounds while others just keep packing them on and increasing their waist measurements?

If you want to be in that twenty successful percent with your next weight loss attempt, there are five major things you can do to ensure your success.

goal Pick a diet or an eating plan that actually works for you. Don’t choose the tomato soup diet if you hate tomatoes. Similarly, it’s pretty difficult to follow a high protein diet if you hate meat. Choose something that meets your eating needs, and you’ll have a much easier time sticking to it.

goal Keep track of your progress. If you want to lose ten pounds, but you never step on the scale, it’s going to be impossible to tell if you’ve actually met your weight loss goals. Don’t be afraid of those numbers on the scale, they’re the best way to tell if you’re meeting your goals.

goal Set realistic weight loss goals for yourself. Nobody loses twenty-five pounds in two weeks. Our bodies simply just don’t function that way. Most experts suggest weight loss of two to four pounds per week is both the average and healthy way to lose weight.

goal Eliminate the dangers. If you know ice cream is a weakness, yet you walk by an ice cream store every day, change your route. Keep the junk food out of your pantry, and you won’t be as tempted to break into it at eleven p.m. some night. Try to set yourself up for success instead of failure, and you’ll likely end up in that twenty percent.

goal Burn more calories than you eat. The bottom line to weight loss is allowing your body to burn some of the calories it has as stored fat. No diet will keep the weight off if you consume more calories than you burn, so as you evaluate plans, be sure that they do what your body needs to make the weight loss process work.

    Thank YOU for spreading the word. You are the best!

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March 31, 2007 at 8:27 pm

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

1 July 1, 2008 at 3:59 pm

I agree that its back to basics to make weight loss a success. Its so simple, burn more calories than you take in and the weight will come off. For me I walk everywhere and that seems to help me maintain my weight.


2 July 14, 2008 at 10:10 pm

It’s really amazing to me that with all the diet programs out there, you really can boil it down to 5 basics. Everyone wants the magic pill that lets them lose weight effortlessly and keep it off. I think #5 is really the #1 way to lose weight. Burn more calories than you eat and it’s guaranteed that you’ll lose weight.


3 September 8, 2008 at 5:03 pm

Thanks for the list. I’m currently working on losing weight and have had some troubles with the eliminating temptations part.

We have a bunch of candy and stuff at the office and I always seem to grab a couple of M&Ms which I’m sure adds up to quite a few over the day. I’ll work on changing my route and avoiding the pitfalls.



4 September 13, 2008 at 4:52 pm

Swiming worked wonders for me. 5 hours of swiming each week worked like crazy and I went to having muscle in under a month.


5 September 14, 2008 at 5:42 am

Try changing the air, like going to the mountain. t really helps your body’s metabolism burn away!


6 October 15, 2008 at 9:19 pm

Not setting yourself up for failure is a huge point. If I have something in the house I eat all of it and if I drive by a pizza joint I want pizza for dinner. Since Ive been keeping things out of the house I’ve lost 5 pounds just doing that. Still need more but it’s a start!


7 December 7, 2008 at 2:21 am

Perhaps those are the basics of all the weight loss campaign but it is not as easy as someone can assume. I have gone through the similar process and there is nothing difficult than that in life. May be I can do that very well very next time but we can’t learn better than facing it.


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