The Role Of Personhood In Happy Goal Setting…

by Brad Isaac on March 26, 2007

One of the most important parts of self-improvement is setting goals to help you become the person you want to be. Life is a journey, and goals will be set, achieved, and even rewritten as you move along your path. It can be difficult, though, to understand which goals to set for yourself. Seriously, how do you know which goals are the right ones for you?

It’s easy.

First, think about what you truly want in the long term or in the short term. Understanding your desires are the key to happiness, and if your goals are simply what someone else wants for your life, they won’t work out for you. Your goals have to come from the center of yourself.

Think about the reasons you have for the goals you want. Make sure they’re worth pursuing. For example, if your goal is to make a half million dollars every year, is that because you want to make more than your brother does? If it is, is that truly a goal you want to achieve for the right reasons?

Remember that good goals are believable. They don’t have to be likely, just something you can truly believe that you will be able to do. Some of the world’s greatest achievements weren’t probable when they were completed.

Finally, good goals are measurable. You have to be able to clearly achieve it for it to be a goal. Becoming a good person is pretty vague, but serving in a food kitchen once a month may help you to feel like you’re on your way to the sainthood you desire.

As you’re thinking about your goals, consider writing them down. It will give you a reference point to update from as facets of your life change.

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