Build A Dramatic Traffic Increase To Your Blog With Unique Articles

by Brad Isaac on April 22, 2007

Experts agree that one of the top three ways to build traffic to a blog or website is through article submission. I did a test a year or so ago where I submitted just 5 articles to the top article directories and the results were over 1000 new visitors just from one source. Also, 6 other publishers syndicated the articles and published my articles on their sites.

You can see through those results there is a lot to be gained from doing article submissions. However, over the years, article submission is now fraught with a number of problems. There are hundreds if not thousands of directories to choose from. Since we all have limited time, which directories should we submit to to get the most bang for the buck?

Another problem is that Google changed their rankings for duplicate articles on the Internet. What this means is if you have the exact same article posted in the exact same wording in 500 different article directories, Google stops counting them. Before the change, 500 articles would mean 500 unique links. But now, Google doesn’t count them all. Thus your page rank doesn’t rise as a result.

Where to Start With Article Submission?

I can answer the first question easily. The #1 article directory out there is That’s the place to start article submissions. Don’t stop there of course, but use that site to get familiar with how article submission works and how other sites have set up their article directories. Additionally, it is the highest ranked of the directories. So it gets the most traffic and there are more opportunities for your article to be syndicated on another site.

For those of you who are new to syndication, it’s an exciting traffic building by-product that comes from publishing articles on article directories. By publishing, you can add a Bio or resource line at the bottom of your article. This is where you publish About the author where you can include links back to your site and services. In syndication, other blogs can grab your article and publish it on their site(s) but they must include the resource box. So there is an incremental build in links back to your site if you play your cards right.

Once you’ve mastered you can then start branching out to the other article directories. You can do this manually. Or you can use a tool that automates a lot of the process. Personally, I use SEO Elite (affiliate link) because it goes beyond the other article submission software titles by throwing in other cool tools to build up the number of links back to your site. I’ve found that an afternoon with this software can easily result in hundreds of links back to my blog and other websites. Plus, they have optimized the article sites to the top article directories. That way, I’m not wasting my time submitting to a bunch of PR1 or PR0 sites.

Obviously, you don’t need software to be able to hit all the article directories. It just makes it easier.

Making Your Articles Unique for Hundreds of Directories…

Going back to the subject of Google penalizing duplicate content, I’ve found you basically have a choice between two alternatives.

1. Submit the same article to only a handful of directories and then stop.

2. Make your article unique for each directory.

The pros of the first option are that it’s easy. You submit to a dozen directories and then stop move on to submitting another article. The major con is that you don’t extract the mileage you could get from each article. Put another way, you work hard on your article, you want it to produce the absolute most benefit in terms of publicity, link backs and page rank. Quitting after just a handful of directories means you have to write another article.

Unfortunately, making each article unique can be a time consuming task. But the way to do it is to alter each article so that major words are unique, while the content remains the same. You will want it so that in 100 different articles sentence 1, 2, and 3 don’t use the same wording. You might be tempted to give up as this is a pain in the rear. But don’t quit just yet.

I just put the finishing touches on a new program that does this automatically. The way it works is you enter your article into a special form and submit it as a template. You alter the template 2 more times and then you’re good to go. With the push of a button, you can generate up to 48,000 unique articles that you created, therefore make perfect sense to your reader. It doesn’t depend on ‘dictionary’ or ‘robot’ word substitutions for two reasons. 1. Google’s algorithm is smart enough to detect these dupes. And 2. It’s too easy to be embarrassed with poor word substitutions.

My article software guarantees you’ll never have to worry about the quality of the articles you submit to the directories. Each one will use your words and your meaning.

I plan on officially releasing it tomorrow (Monday) if I can get everything together, but there are 2 ways you can get a free advanced copy.

  1. I will give away 5 free copies to the first 5 bloggers who track back to this post.
  2. I will also give a free advanced copy to anyone who purchases SEO Elite using my affiliate link.

Send me an email once you have done one or the other using the link to the right of this site and please give me 24 hours for delivery. If you choose to purchase SEO Elite, make sure on the bottom of the Clickbank payment form, it says [affiliate = goalset05.AUB] so I can track and get your software to you ASAP. Click below for screenshot example.

affiliate link example


But whatever you do choose, make sure you get out there and start building traffic with article submission!

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{ 1 trackback }

April 23, 2007 at 8:35 am


1 December 8, 2008 at 8:05 pm

I have been using some other tools to SEO many of my sites and had read about SEO Elite somewhere but I am really serious about purchasing a copy of it now. I am wondering if there are other tips and tutorials being provided with it to work on sites or not?

2 March 5, 2009 at 12:08 pm

I was really worried about duplicate content penalty for submitting same article in several hundred directories. A few days ago, I came to know that it is just an assumption. Google only index same content once so there is no chance of duplication but your link of course will be counted. For me it is not needed to spin articles any further. Although I don’t know that if it is good or not.

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