Here’s A Great Way To Keep Enthusiasm High During Weight Loss

by Brad Isaac on April 16, 2007

Everyone knows that keeping your levels of motivation high is essential to sticking with that diet and actually losing weight, but sticking with a motivator can be touch. Sure, we all want to look good, but it’s hard to care when your child hasn’t eaten four of his six chicken nuggets and your stomach is still growling after the salad.

How do you keep your motivation level high while you’re dieting?

First, make sure you have a strong motivator when you start your diet. Why are you losing weight? Do you simply want to look better in the mirror each morning? Are you trying to avoid the long term effects of obesity like diabetes? Whatever your key motivator, write it down. Put it some place where you’ll see it often. Stick it on the mirror in your bathroom. Tape it to your dashboard. Any place that you’ll see it on a regular basis is a good place for it to be.

Second, network with others – whether in person or online. Right off the bat, let them know that you want to lose weight, and let them know why you want to lose that weight. When you’re feeling down, talk to them. They’ll help to remind you of the reason you started on your plan in the first place. Don’t forget, if the chicken nuggets are calling your name, grab your cell and talk yourself through the desire for foods that will throw you off your plan.

Finally, for those of you Achieve-IT! Users, be sure to make this one of your goals, and set the right milestones to help. With this kind of support in place, you won’t forget your motivation, and before you know it, you’ll be in that swimsuit you like.

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April 17, 2007 at 2:46 am

Great tips. Telling someone about it is not only a good idea but also necessary. It’s certainly hard to stay on diet if you don’t have someone to remind you or cheer for you.

April 18, 2007 at 1:01 am

I agree with our thoughts. It’s only necessary to plan our diet. We shouldn’t just plan about how to do it, but also how to keep on track. We won’t feel the same way everyday. It’s important that we find a way to motivate us.

March 11, 2009 at 7:09 am

Great post again mate. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Losing weight doesn’t have to be hard ywet mose people fail to realize the basics

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