Little Known Ways To Motivate Yourself

by Brad Isaac on April 10, 2007

There are two major ways people are motivated. Some are motivated through an intrinsic rewards system. They, essentially, don’t need outside rewards because of the way getting a task accomplished makes them feel inside. Many people feel these kinds of intrinsic rewards when they do something helpful. From serving at a soup kitchen to donating money to a kids’ cancer center, and intrinsic reward gives you that warm feeling inside.

Others, however, are motivated only through external rewards. Whether it’s the money you make by rolling out of bed and going to your office each morning or the pancakes you treat yourself to after a twelve-mile bike ride on Sunday mornings, it’s all about the external reward you get from doing something.

Unfortunately, external rewards are not as easy to get as you think, and those who rely on them to keep themselves motivated often spiral into depression. Maybe the boss thought you did a great job on your presentation, but he didn’t say anything and you didn’t get a dime of bonus money out of the deal. That can lead to negative feelings which can lead to a decrease in productivity.

It can be hard to combat those negative feelings when you don’t have external motivation, but one great way is to seek out the external motivation you need. I’m not talking about bothering the boss and asking incessant “Are you proud of me” type questions that will get on everyone’s nerves. I’m talking about using other things, like Achieve-IT! software to get the external motivation you need to keep you productive. With the press of a single button, you can essentially have your own personal motivator on your computer. That alone is sure to increase your feelings of motivation.

Thank YOU for spreading the word. You are the best!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 April 10, 2007 at 3:39 pm

I think I’m both types of people, or rather, different things I do seem to have different motivations.

Some things, like working in the yard/garden, seem to be self-motivating. Other things, like the presentation example, tend to have a large external motivation component.

Good post btw.


2 Ximi April 10, 2007 at 11:49 pm

Stop advertising, will you?


3 Brad Isaac April 11, 2007 at 12:27 pm

“Stop advertising, will you?”



4 April 13, 2007 at 2:24 pm

That’s why so many motivational systems talk about visualizing the completion of your goals. You’ve got to keep it in front of you. A reward must be tangible and achievable.

By the way, nice job working your Achieve-it plug in at the end. (I am a user).


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