Once you have picked your top goal, you might wonder what to do with the rest.
No, don’t shred them or burn them for kindling.
Instead pick and prioritize the top 10 or so. Pay careful attention so you get the right 10 on your list. These are the “runner up” goals for your immediate attention after you’ve completed goal #1. You can also work on one or more of these when you get tired or burned out on working on #1.
Refining Makes It Smoooth…
Next, you will want to go through your top 10 one by one rewording each one for maximum impact. Make them more exciting. Make them more present tense and action oriented.
Example: if your goal is to improve your grades from B’s to A’s, instead of saying “I want A’s.” reword to say “I work every day to improve my grades by one full letter grade.” Can you see how the new goal is something you can sink your teeth into?
That way, your goal is not just some abstract notion. It becomes an action you can take and a reinforcement you can use for a positive self talk.
This step can be tricky. So if you get stuck or need some feedback, let me know in the comments.
This is part 7 of the 31 day series 101 Goal Setting Breakthroughs: A 31 Day Blog Series That Will Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever! Subscribe to my free RSS feed to get the rest of the series and never miss a tip!
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