Archives from April 2008



Make Your Own Sinus Clearing Spray Like “Sinus Buster”

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A year or so ago I read about Sinus Buster allergy and headache relief.  It’s a nasal spray made with hot peppers.  I’ve never tried it, but the idea was interesting.  I like growing hot peppers and have a few spice jars full of Cayenne in the kitchen.  

Allergies were getting the best of me recently, so I thought about ordering some.  I get impatient waiting on deliveries, so I started experimenting with creating my own recipe so you don’t have to go through the agony yourselves.

I am happy to report, I think I’ve stumbled on just the right mix that gives the benefit of the hot pepper without blasting my "dang fool head off."  ;)

Disclaimer:  Although my research shows no ill effects from using this method, if you try it, do so at your own risk.   I think it’s about as dangerous as eating hot salsa and getting some up your nose.  But still, since I’m not a doctor, if you use or misuse this and wind up losing an arm or something, don’t call me - I am not recommending you do this.  I’ve heard of asthmatics having attacks or dying from being sprayed with pepper spray - this purportedly could be homemade pepper spray if you add too much pepper.

First, those of you who have read my article about nuking your sinuses with a neti pot, I am using the exact same method but with a twist of cayenne.

I first started experimenting with mixing ground red pepper into the water.  I heard about others trying this.  But I didn’t have a measurement.  I ended up trying 1/4 a teaspoon and it was way too much.  Don’t do this.  It burned alot and I was coughing and sniffling through most of the morning.  I think it didn’t work because the little pepper bits were stuck in my nose.  ouch!

But once I got the right recipe, I found it to be the opposite of agony.  It was actually quite soothing.  I’d describe the feeling as a hot-pad applied directly to my headache as well as the swelling in my eyes.  It felt as though the heat attacked the pain at the source.

There was not nearly the amount of drainage and sniffling as occurred with the ground pepper.  In 15 or 20 minutes, my headache was gone and I did not feel the pressure behind my eyes. 

Added benefit - Surprisingly, the day after this good pepper experience, my breathing was perfectly clear! 

But what I found works much better is to make a pepper tea with some handy household items.  I swiped my wife’s tea infuser and got to work. 

What you need:

  • Tea infuser
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (cayenne)
  • normal neti mix (2 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt)

Take your 1/2 teaspoon of crushed red pepper and put it in the dry tea infuser.  Then shake the infuser over a sink or garbage can.  You want to get any flakes that might go through the infuser to go out into the sink, not into your sinus mix.

Then, prepare your neti mix as normal.  I microwave 2 cups of water in a Pyrex container for 1 minute to get it warm (not hot).  Then I add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt.  After that, I cover the container and shake vigorously. 

To add some cayenne to the mix, just take the tea infuser and dip it into the neti mix for 15 seconds.  Note:  I have a high pain threshold so you might want to start with 5 seconds or 10 if you want to work up.

Then I shake the container vigorously again.  I know it’s right when the water has a slight pink tint to it.

Once you’ve got your mix, just neti as normal.  I found there wasn’t much sting to it as compared to getting too much salt.  Instead it was that "hot-pad" feeling.  And overall, compared to my headache, very welcome relief. 

I’d say this isn’t for every day use, but instead to use now and again for bad allergy flare ups.


For more at home health remedies that work, subscribe to my RSS feed .



Top 20 DIY Headache Cures That Bring Quick Relief…

Tags Lifehacks, Motivation, Thoughts 0 comments

Last week, I was suffering from a ragin’ headache.  Not only was it painful.  It was like the Energizer bunny…it kept going and going and going. 

I asked you - my marvelous readers if you had any advice to cure the 3 day headache and you really came through!  With so many tips, I went past having a headache to feeling energetic and breathing clear.  Considering it is springtime, breathing clear is a tough one.  But you did it and I thank you.


1.  C.G. writes:  You might want to have your eyes checked (if you haven’t done so already). I had a new pair of prescription contact lenses made for me about 4 years ago. But they always gave me problems. I stopped wearing them and I noticed that when I was working (and staring at a computer screen) I got headaches. But the headaches would last and last. I thought there was something else wrong with me. Long story short (too late), I had PRK laser correction surgery done and I’ve been headache free since. I’m fortunate not to have allergies so I don’t have to deal with that possibility.

2.  Royal8 writes:  Peppermint oil applied under your nose. (Be careful with application and wash hands!!)  Rice packs heated in the microwave for four minutes applied over eyes / back of neck.   Also take a hot shower w/ Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castile Soap (the liquid version) Oh it makes you tingle - see   **Have your blood pressure checked.**

3.  Sylvia writes: … during allergy season I would suggest you use a sinus rinse like Neilmed. Once I started using it regularly, it cut down on my headaches.

4 - 11.  Ria Kennedy sends in 8! tips :) : 

1.  Tiger balm on your temples, rub tendons in back of neck to release tension,

2.   Snort this twice a day:

  • Sinus Rinse
  • 16 oz. H2O
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • Mix.

       Pour some into palm of hand and snort.

3.   Brush teeth with flossing and mouthwash. Something about swishing, gargling, changing teeth positions, spitting, etc., makes it so you can clear your head a little.

4.  Gargle with salt water periodically to clear head/get rid of drip.

5.  Take a bath in fairly warm water. Submerge your head so your ears are covered. Even allow them to fill with water to put pressure on the inside of your head and help it drain. Then — KEY — sit up in the tub so that your wet hair gets cold. This is supposed to help shrink the nasal/sinus membranes and gives some relief. I imagine using a cold wet towel on the head might also help, but I think the bath steam helps and that’s why this is good.

6.  Eat hot stuff like chili peppers, salsa. Again, this helps drainage. Even a little bit of heat helps break things up.

7.  Cold compress over eyes to help the eyes stop swelling and bring some comfort.

8.  PS — Lie down and let head drain. Try with and without a pillow, side to side, head nose pointed up toward wall, and head pointed down toward feet, and rolling from one side to another.

12.  Terra Andersen writes:  Sleep, lots of fluids, and perhaps a walk. (I know this sounds lame,) but it helps the lack of blood flow, which is the initial cause of most headaches.

13.  Ruth writes  My daughter has used something called “Mygrastick.” It’s peppermint and lavender essential oils in a rollerball applicator. You apply a small amount to your temples and she said that she felt relief almost immediately. She recommended it to a friend of mine who gets migraines quite often, and she said that, although her headache didn’t go away immediately, it only lasted about 1/10 as long as usual. We bought it at a small, local health food store, but I saw that Amazon has it, too.

14.  Kate Davis writes: I suffered from a headache for several days earlier in the year. I went to a regular chiropractor appointment for my back and she adjusted my jaw and the headache went instantly. Apparently my jaw was slightly misaligned (apparently due to stress causing me to tense my teeth) and this was leading in uneven pressure in my head when I moved my jaw.  If the other suggestions don’t work I would recommend going to have a check up a chiropractor.

15.  Dianne (Moondreamer) writes:   I usually find headaches are due to dehydration, stress or tiredness. So upping my fluid intake, getting plenty of sleep or having some time-out (maybe a walk in the fresh air) will usually sort it out.  But if my sinuses are at all involved, steam inhalation helps (put your head over a basin filled with hot water and cover your head with a towel for 10-15 minutes. You can add aromatherapy oil or some herbs or a spoonful of vicks if you like.  A little lavender oil on your temples, the bridge and sides of your nose and across your forehead will help to relieve sinusitis and stress headaches.

16.  Andrew Seltz writes:  If your headaches are allergy related, I have started using a neti pot on a regular basis and found it to be very helpful for relieving sinus congestion.  The result is similar to the nasal rinse suggested above, but I’ve done both and much prefer the neti pot. I mix a little sea salt with warm water in the pot and rinse out my sinuses during my morning shower. 

17.  Bill Ferrante writes:  My worst headaches from barometric pressure. When I feel one coming on, I’ll typically check the weather to see if a front is moving in. If it appears the weather is causing it, I’ll take an Excedrin migraine early on. I hate taking pills, so acting early really does the trick in my case.  I’ve wanted to purchase a barometer for some time now so that I can get used to seeing the measurement every day. This way I’d intuitively know what my “feel good” vs. “feel bad” ranges are.  Was there some poor weather in your area while you were in pain? If so, a barometer may be a wise investment so you can start using your peppermint oil early on. =)

18.  Liz Layne writes:   (1) Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4 mg tablet (Walgreens Wal-finate Allergy 4 Hour Tablets)  (2) Ibuprofen 200mg each and an ice pack. Usually he find that it starts to go away in 20 minutes, but he gets a little sleepy. Try it next time. I also use this for tension headaches.

19.  Leigh writes:  I found that when I reduced my wheat and milk intake my headaches disappeared.

20.  Paul writes: Make sure you are hydrated. You can get migraines triggered from dehydration.



DIY Fly trap from a plastic bottle

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fly-trap Basically, cut an empty water bottle in half, turn the nozzle part upside down and insert it into the bottom half.  Throw in some yummy goodies like old moldy beef and let the fun begin!  Flies check in, but they don’t check out.

Not that I’m terribly bothered with flies all the time, but this looks like a fun little project when I start spending more time outside.  Grilling out has a way of attracting flies and so does just relaxing on the deck.  However, when I’m out on the boat, horseflies will descend like vultures.  So hanging one of these off the starboard bow might be just what the doctor ordered.

Make an inexpensive and efficient fly trap by recycling plastic drink bottles. This is great for domestic flys, blow flys and fruit flys.

1.5  to 2 litre (3-4 pint) plastic bottles are ideal. It can vary up or down in size. If any black bases that are often on the larger plastic bottles, remove these.

You will require either scissors, a hacksaw or sharp knife and some electric tape or plastic glue.

Read more at ecobites via  Curbly



The Zen of Blogging e-Book

Tags Books, Creativity, Web/Tech 0 comments

Hunter Nuttall has published a cook e-Book for all who aspire to blog.  zen_of_blogging

If you are new, this is a great book to give you some insight on how to start the right way.  You’ll surely have questions about Blog topic <niche>, number of posts, Guest posting, monetization, Social media and whatnot.   This book will get you off on the right foot.

Even if you’ve blogged for a long time, it can reinforce good habits.  As I read it, I remembered I have made practically every mistake listed. 

From page 2:

If you’re into Zen and you’re into blogging, read and share this ebook.

If you’re into Zen but you’re not into blogging, share this ebook.

If you’re not into Zen but you’re into blogging, read this ebook.

If you’re not into Zen and you’re not into blogging, read it twice.

It’s a quick read so it won’t be too distracting for the day - and I must admit, the twist at the end is pretty good!

Download it here.   Hat tip Problogger



Achieve-IT! Desktop Edition Beta Release & And the War on Persistence…

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Other people, and circumstances both beyond, and within your control, are fighting a war on your persistence. . .Here’s an example:

We’re at War!

Sorry guys, it looks like I made the same strategic blunder that Microsoft did when building Vista.  I tried to update all of Achieve-IT! core components at the same time, rather than update them one at a time and release them as they were done.  I had to overhaul so much on the Windows Mobile and Desktop platforms - AND to build a build a backward compatible yet expandable database structure, for Internet syncing.  Then ensure they all worked flawlessly together. 

Where Microsoft at least has thousands of developers, I am just one person, with no venture capital.  So, in a nutshell, this has been a war on many fronts for me personally.  There was the battle of hopelessness, the battle of "please quit NOW",  and the battle of "I don’t know what the F*** I am doing!!!  Sell everything and move to the beach already"

These battles were all unpleasant.  And although the war is still raging, I feel I am advancing well into enemy territory.  

Achieve-IT! Desktop Public Beta Released:

A.I. Beta

Through many battles, both big and small, I’m happy to post a new public beta for my desktop goal management software Achieve-IT!   This version has so many tweaks and bug fixes I can’t begin to list them all.

A few of the big enhancements:

  • Screen Resolution fix for high dpi settings
  • Quote of the Day feature added
  • Improved speed and optimization
  • New password security to protect your database
  • Interface improvements such as full screen, minimize and custom size screen size
  • Many bug fixes

It is compatible with Windows 2000, XP, and Vista - Requires some version of Microsoft Office for the exporting features to work.

Download The Achieve-IT! desktop beta here

Note about Menus:  The menus aren’t quite the way I want them to be.  The hover and click sometimes sticks.  I am working to solve that ASAP. 

New Release Strategy

Like I implied above.  I am going to release components one at a time.  Just because I made the mistake of holding all or nothing, doesn’t mean I have to continue down that path.  Today is the Desktop beta release.  I will fix any bugs you find (please leave them in the comments below) and then release the updated version.  And so on.


Release Strategy for Pocket PC and Sync

I know there has been delays with the syncing of Pocket PC to desktop.  Frankly, this took much more time that I ever expected!   The second I had a working and safe sync component, Microsoft release WM 6.0 and everything became incompatible.  :(   I also had resolution issues between the VGA/QVGA devices and my new sync framework.  So what this means is my 1 project (i.e. sync for Pocket PC) is now 4 full development projects. 

1.  VGA version will come first.  It will be compatible with all Pocket PCs but the small screen devices will require scrolling.  If you have a square screen or small QVGA device, please wait on the QVGA release.

2.  QVGA version -  Will work on the smaller screen devices.

3.  Windows Mobile Sync - Once bugs and issues are fixed on the Desktop and Pocket PC devices, I’ll release the sync component for testing.

4.  Smartphone devices - Although I have the code I am not sure if I want to go down this path just yet.  SmartPhones (if implemented) will come last in the release cycle


Other Thoughts…

I feel very close in bringing all of this together, but as you can see it is an overwhelming project.  This is my allegorical Vista build - hence when Ballmer said there will always be people working on things that take years to come to fruition, I know what he’s talking about.

Will you give it a try and let me know of any bugs or problems in the comments below? 

Download:  Achieve-IT! Desktop Public Beta

This beta will expire on May 15, 2008 - which beforehand, I will release at least 1 build.  Subscribe to my RSS feed to keep updated of the latest Achieve-IT! software builds. 



Do You Have Any Cures for a 3-Day Headache?

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The past 3 days I’ve had a low-level headache and could use your help…
I am chalking it up to springtime allergies, which so far have not affected my sinuses as much as last year.  But I still have the headache - whoopee. 
I’d describe it as starting behind my eyes (pressure) and running up to [...]



8 Crucial Ways To NOT Win The Darwin Awards

Tags Lifehacks, Motivation, Thoughts 0 comments

There’s an old joke that goes "What does a redneck say before he dies?"

Answer: "Hey, watch this!" 

Of course the Darwin Awards are a tribute to some of the most lame-brain ways of dying or suffering major injury on record.  Before you think I’m being mean, check out this robbery attempt and the story of the drunk, naked man who tried to attack bears. 

We all make mistakes, but usually, they aren’t permanent.  By permanent, I mean death, loss of an arm or being sent to the pokey for the rest of your life

8 Ways to Avoid Winning The Darwin Awards

1. Think

Many of the Darwin Award winners never bothered to think through what they were doing.  They saw an outcome they wanted and went for it.  Thinking is what separates us from animals.  We can think ahead and plan what we are going to do.  Impulsive actions can be deadly given the wrong circumstance. 

2. Plan

Even rudimentary planning has it’s benefits.   You see a what you want, maybe it’s attention.  Do you stand on top of a painter’s scaffolding?  Or do you seek the attention by getting up and performing for an open mic night.  Both have the same outcomes (attention) but have far less risk to human life. 

3. Delay gratification

Many of the award winners are criminals who just couldn’t wait to get their grubby hands on some cash… that just so happened to be stored at the police station or in the back of a squad car. Crooks have no patience.  What they want is what they try to get with no delays — often for our amusement.

4. Learn How Gravity is not forgiving

There are certain laws to the universe.  One is gravity pulls us downward, no matter whether we are standing on the ground or sitting on a lawn chair suspended by weather balloons.  Explosives explode.  Gasoline burns.  Elephants weigh a lot.  Trying to violate these laws will result in some embarrassing injuries if not death.

5. Avoid drunkenness

It should go without saying that drinking alcohol or using illicit drugs can impair your judgement. But alcohol plays a role in many of the Award winner’s situations.  Drinking one or two, might be ok, but getting drunk in public, with an unmanned jackhammer nearby is a recipe for disaster. 

6. Observe warning labels

Have you ever seen a warning label that seemed so ridiculous it was funny?  Like a warning on a blanket that says "Will not protect you from tornados".  Or like Jess points out a curling iron that says "Caution, this product can burn eyes."  or the hilarious Danger: Avoid Death sign.

Why warn you of the obvious?  Because some poor schlep did what they are warning against!

If it looks too dangerous it probably is

7. Stay Away from Large Ferocious Animals

Now this might be tricky for some, but there’s a big difference between a Labrador puppy and a Bengal Tiger.  I know, I know, the differences are subtle.  But one, will rip your arms off and then get mad at you for not dying fast enough.  The other will lick you with a smelly, but otherwise harmless tongue. 

However, it appears some people confuse the two animals.  If this sounds like you, take a class or something. 

8. Leave some things to the Pros

I’ve tuned in to the Darwin Awards for years now and each year there is someone who tried setting off professional fireworks while suspended above them.  hmm..  Who thinks up this stuff? 

There’s a reason for professional fireworks, they are dangerous.  The same could be said about tightrope walking and building your own flamethrower.  Unless you’ve worked years to develop an extraordinary skill in these areas, leave the real work to the pros.

Some up and comer Darwin Candidates

Man Dies wearing fake seatbelt

See document: man-dies-in-accident-while-wearing-fake-seatbelt

Man Wins Bet to Swim to Crocodile Trap

See document: a_lesson_for_us_all_if_a_crocodile_is_about_to_eat_your_wife_jump_on_its_ba