IT Nerds Turning To Mind Mapping For Complex Problem Solving

by Brad Isaac on May 11, 2009

CIO Magazine Logo

CIO magazine interviewed me recently about Mind Mapping and why I use it.  The article appeared last night:

Brad Isaac, CIO at Breslow Starling Frost Warner, an accounting firm, uses a mind mapping application from Mindjet for project management. In situations like deploying a new server, mind mapping helps him keep track of the project and ensure he’s covered the necessary bases: who’s managing it, who will be using it, who needs training, he says. “You’re able to address all these layers of a complex project in a visual manner and it only takes moments.”

CIO: Mind Maps Fuel Productivity

The interview was more in depth than what is covered in the article.  Will the print edition will cover more?

I went into how I not only use Mind Mapping for work, I use it for play, blogging and at-home projects.  Much like I have on my blog in the past. :)

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{ 1 comment }

Leif May 12, 2009 at 9:14 pm

Congratulations. That’s an interesting article. I’ve been wondering about mind-mapping, how to use, etc.

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  • Leslie S. Russell

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